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Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

Dream Dive

So last night, I had a dream that started with me in my house with dad wanting to pick me up from here. He wanted to go to some skatepark or something. He also wanted to bring some like, friends along so pretty much it was like a full legit skate trip. Few minutes later, here we are at the skatepark; it had like, a weird mini-mega ramp type thing with a blue overhang for whatever reason. 

[[Drawing not found]]

        It’s very hard to visualize but I drew it the best I can, but I mentioned to one of the friends that I was afraid to skate it because I didn’t want to, you know, bonk my head on the overhang. No one actually skated it, and we all just sat there, me sitting by the ramp next to the overhang. We all just talked about stuff. I mentioned that this was almost like loitering, if you will, and the cops might notice us just sitting here doing nothing. Right as I said that, I heard cops talking into their walkies saying something about loiterers (Weird thing was, I heard the voices in the walkies, and not them talking into them. Weird, but this was a dream, anything goes). I knew it was us, the friends and dad knew it was is, so we all ran to somewhere trying to hide from them. I vaguely remember running down a hill trying to follow one of the friends. This was when we found the hiding spot; a restaurant. 

        We stayed there for a few minutes, laying low if you will. We didn’t want to leak the fact that we were on the run, I vaguely remember almost slipping up: we were talking about the chase, and someone got up and walked next to our table, so I said, in an effort to act normal, “-When we were ruUUnning away from our relationships, you know,” I don’t know how that worked. Another part of this restaurant scene was that my brother was with us (I literally just remembered this happening as I’m writing it, my brother was there, and I think he was the one I chased to the restaurant), and that we both needed to use the restroom, so we used the restroom, and when we were washing our hands, I couldn’t help but notice that my brother was slamming on the pusher on the soap dispensers, putting soap all over the place. This had a tern, Deadhanging. I don’t know why it was called that in this dream, I’m sure it means something COMPLETELY different in reality, but it was called that. Apparently it was like a trend or joke, think the Devious Licks trend but less vandalism and more messy. I wasn’t doing this, but my brother was, and as you’ll see later he got in big trouble for it. So we both finished our bathroom business, we both finished our food, out the window in the restaurant, I see police cars with their sirens on. Immediately, I began to tremble, saying that “we need to go, NOW.” As fast as we all possibly could, the friends payed, and all of them ran into their respective cars, which were conveniently parked there for some reason. Even my dad’s Jeep, which he doesn’t have now, but he did in this dream, was parked there. Me, my brother, and my dad got into the Jeep, and we all headed home, ignoring the fact that we were, well, on the run. 

        When we got home, a few minutes passed, and mom came in our room saying that we were all in big trouble. “You almost went to jail, your brother was Deadhanging,” I vaguely remember her saying. The sequence between this and this next scene was fuzzy in my brain, but the second time we got into dad’s Jeep, he took us to a dark forest(?), and he was driving really fast. “This is why I don’t sit in the front seat,” I vaguely remembered myself saying. Then, in the middle of this dark forest, dad stopped the car, and bought down blinds he had that we didn’t see. He then put up a tv(?) and we began to chill in his jeep for a few minutes. “I do this with my friends all the time” He said. He then started the Jeep back up and turned right, and I saw that this was not only just a forest, but a whole neon, colorful, night rave society, kinda like Meow Woof’s Omegamart, in which it’s not just a big supermarket, but a big, neon, art installation. “Wow, this is all in a forest,” I said in awe.

        Another fuzzy scene goes by, and I watch a video of 8BitRyan play some sort of VR Stanley Parable thing, and it was at the escape pod ending, right near the end where you traverse that dark hallway to get to the escape pod. (I just remembered that I apparently had a Novation Launchpad, almost forgot about that) Immediately, things were different from when I last saw this ending; usually, when you go into this supposed escape pod, the screen goes black with a weird white line forming at the bottom of the screen, but in this scenario, someone, a girl, had a person at gunpoint, pinning them down to the ground for whatever reason. For some odd reason, this transitioned into me actually playing this game, and I had to do something to get them out of this escape pod. I got them out, and got into this escape pod. The doors closed, and it took me to some sort of level select screen. These levels seem like they’re all on a spaceship.

        Selecting the top left level, I get in to playing, and immediately, as game turns into reality, I spawn right on top of a just heating up stovetop. Essentially doing the splits on the sides of the stove, I said “Help?” and my [[ninth grade]] video teacher, who was for some reason here too, said, “Oh that happens, just get off the stove safely.” Immediately, I got off the stove, and began roaming the ship, which was kinda like a cyber house as it had windows and it was daytime. I assume this was on a planet that similar to Earth, had a sun, breathable atmosphere, and can sustain life. I remember wanting to go to the bathroom to take a shower, so I went to the bathroom with the shower, looking kind of similar to the bathroom I have upstairs, and went showering. Mid-shower, a part of the shower head fell off, and it looked like one of those drain things that keep hair from going down the drain. It seemed like this was the case, and I called someone to get help. This someone was the video teacher, and he helped me to put back the thing on the shower head and fix it. After this, I continued on to my showering. This was the thing that ended the dream, as I woke up to the sound of a text message from mom.

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