Got a Facebook invite to my high school's ten year reunion. It seems like just an informal day/drinks event. I have been debating if I should go or not. On the one hand, I haven't seen most of these people since I left and it might be nice to chat and catch up a bit. But on the other hand, I haven't talked basically anyone from high school in ten years, do I even have anything in common with them anymore?
This is also complicated since I don't like in that part of the country anymore, so this would require a not insignificant amount of money to attend, and I would need to take a few days off work as well. I'm also not a big fan of the humidity there, and the reunion in set for the middle of June. Although that does mean a chance of a nice thunderstorm, which i do kind of miss, we really don't get storms here like they do there.
I'm also a bit self-conscious, less so than I was in the part but I'm afraid I'll revert back to old habits if I go back and see these people again. Don't get me wrong, high school wasn't hell for me or anything (although there are a few incidents I hope to the gods have been forgotten). But I also feel like I haven't really progressed much since high school, I stilll live with family, I haven't really had an adult relationship, and I still feel like I don't know who I am.
Part of these feelings are undoubtedly due to social media, and seeing all of these ex-classmates who seem to have their lives so much more together than me. I thought I'd have a more stable job, my own apartment, and more direction in my life at this point than I do.
I'm also so bad at staying in contact with people who aren't in my immediate area, hence the not speaking to anyone for ten years. I worry that some of them may resent me a bit for losing contact. I don't know, maybe I'll just tabs on it for now and see who goes and if I feel like seeing any of the people who are confirmed going.
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