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Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes

random things + new layout!!

First of all

new layout for both porfile and blog ^^

I wanted them to match a little more than before, but staying in the line of blue and red 8or in this case blue and pink 

Second of all

This is going to be a little post about me just talking (or in this case writing) random things.

Like something i would really like to have or something that happened to me and wanted to share.

Silly things i want

✫ I would really like having a frienship or relationship, doesn't matter to me what is it the relation, that we could like walk aimslessly around a nice place talking about random stuff without a worry in the world. Or just simply have a nice walk together or talk. Like i would love either way spending time with that person no matter what.

✫ If the litle relationship/friendship was long distance, i would love having some type of special day that we arrange at a time we both are free and play the dummest games, some roblox horror game or minecraft in our own world.

 Oh if i had money i would totally buy the other person something cute, that's special teatment tho.

 I always wanted to enchange letters with someone, idk why, but the idea sounds soo sweet to me, i kinda scared of giving my address tho :p. Talking about letters, i always dreamed to recive a letter from someone, it doesn't have to be romantic, just by the thought of someone putting the effort to write that to me makes me feel nice.

 I want someone that could deal with my "can you order for me?", i would totally give them my part of money without problem, i just want to skip the stress of ordering something or talking to a stranger in general. It's not a need, but damn that person would be an angel for me, not the biblicaly accurated ones tho, i would probably faint if i saw one.

 I'm not that sociable nor enjoy big groups of people, but if i feel like it i would like to go to some party, for the excuse to dress nice.

 I don't enjoy physical touch, like hugs and that type of stuff, but . . . i'm curios about how it feels like to cuddle with someone, for science ofc.

 Other thing that i wanted was start a blog, i always found it interesting to put it in some way. Idk if could conside this some type of blog.

 If i have to go into the relationship department, i go for anyhing, i equaly like people like i'm equaly scared of them. I would love having someone that says sweet things to me and gives me my little sweet attention, i would gladly give the same affection the best i can, even if i'm a little akward in that sorts of things. It takes me time okay >:[.

 I WANT to stay up till an ungodly hour discussing about the most random stuff, like what food is best or my worst enemy "You don't know what ___ is? D:", imagine my fucking ass dumping the other person with my culture and straight up act offended because they didn't know, it's funny as helll for me.

At the moment

Right now is . . . 04:37 while i'm writing this and i have to wake up 06:00 because i'm moving out :(. I don't want to leave, and the worst part i can't do what i enjoyed anymore. It was walking back home from school and just talk to the air about my plans for the rest of the day :(. And now i will have to take a train and a bus to get home and the trip is like 50 minutes or even an hour if i'm not lucky :(.

So yeah, that's mostly why i was innactive, apart from changing my layout, and i will probably be a little more, sadly, until everything is set in the new house. After that i would probably post about it. 

By the way i was planning on starting an instagram account, but idk about that.

Now playing: LLOYD VAAN - present 

Good morning - afternoon - evening

not resposable of mistakes  ;P

3 Kudos


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