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Category: Blogging

Hello Spacehey

Grace's Totally Cool Blog
Entry 1 - 29/3/2024

Hello guys what is up 

I have always wanted to have a blog because I quite enjoy yapping but I do not enjoy being overly talkative, but creating a website just to blog is so outdated and where else would I write my every waking thought???

Grammarly is making this look more proper than I prefer but its okay, I think

Anyway today I got home from the united states of AMERICA and it was quite the thrilling car ride (lie). It was very hot in the back seat and I felt like I was slowly burning alive as if I was in a Saw trap, at one point I touched the back of my shoe and it was not a pleasant experience with how warm it was. America is fine I guess, but is it worth the hype? Mid. Maybe I just went to a boring town full of old people. American food portions are the bane of my existence, I don't understand how they do it. 

My exciting day continues as I realize I have an entire musical to edit and I have barely started. I don't wanna do it, but at least the musical was good so I get the pleasure of seeing it again. I will continue to procrastinate on it though.

I will be continuing to blog my day because I think it's fun and the world deserves to know my thoughts and opinions despite being an irrelevant 16 year old on the world wide web. What's the harm in having one more person to have too much access to their beliefs? Nothing, of course! (also a lie)

Touch grass, go outside, we shouldn't have this much access to other people's thoughts, stop consuming media blah blah blah. Who cares! I love the internet and I love rotting my brain. I LOVE TALKING TO PEOPLE ON MY DEVICES!! 

I ran out of things to talk about today that I can publicly disclose

Goodbye viewers

This is mostly satire

I think

0 Kudos


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