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Category: Life

My favourite Internet Sites Part 1 <3 :D For Boredom!! :3

Here are some amazing sites for boredom, be prepared for think, cry and laugh <3

INSPIRED BY THIS AMAZING PERSON: https://blog.spacehey.com/user?id=2014615

1. https://my00stv.com/#

2. https://www.dpoetry.com/fires/ <--- THIS IS AMAZING!!! :P

3. https://www.pointlesssites.com/

4. https://neal.fun/size-of-space/

5. https://sketch.metademolab.com/

6. https://neal.fun/life-stats/

7. https://neal.fun/who-was-alive/

8. https://s3.mirror.co.uk/click-the-colour-and-not-the-word/index.html

9. https://nodtotherhythm.com/

10. https://littlealchemy.com/

11. https://www.pointlesssites.com/dna.asp?mbi=10501

12. https://www.howmanypeopleareinspacerightnow.com/

13. https://sandtris.com/ <--- Very Satisfying :) <3

14. https://koalastothemax.com/

15. https://thenicestplace.net/<--- I cried for almost 30 minutes TwT

16. https://andypants.net/

17. https://web.archive.org/web/20220331032959/https://callmeifyougetlost.com/generator/

18. https://drawing.garden/ <--- Really Cute!!! :3

19. https://www.citywalks.live/#google_vignette

20. https://www.pixelthoughts.co/#

21. https://comic.studio/

22. https://www.deepsadness.com/

23. https://dinoswords.gg/

24. https://www.digitalcreatures.net/

25. https://www.windows93.net/#!/ <--- Nostalgic :)

Wait for Part 2!!! xoxo :)

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