Ghostface VS Mickey Knox

Personally, I feel Ghostface would cut bro into pieces, but that's just me. Sorta feels like Mickey would pop a few shots into our mask wearing assailant, but I think it all depends on who's on the other side of that mask.

Scream 1 : Billy & Stu

                  I feel like maybe they could? They're young & limber! However they're just highschool kids with knives compared to a mass murderer with a shotgun.

Scream 2 : Mrs. Loomis & Mickey Altieri

                 First of all, Mickey Knox would KNOCK the shit out of Mrs. Loomis, and Altieri would have to go 1-on-1 with Knox. 

Scream 3 : Roman Bridger

                 Due to the implementation of Ghostface wearing a bulletproof vest, making him less vulnerable to firepower, I think Roman is our best shot here.

I personally cap the whole series off @ 3. I'm not a big fan of 4, and since the movies about the Carpenter sisters are no longer canon, it only feels right. Let me know what you think!

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When you bring a knife to a gunfight, the result is clear: you die. Mickey Knox would definitely beat Ghostface because he has lots of guns: 13 handguns, 2 shotguns, 1 rifle, and 1 launcher, that's 17 guns! But Ghostface only has 2 handguns and 2 knives. Ghostface has only killed 45 people in all the "Scream" movies, while Mickey Knox has killed 162 people in just one movie. Plus, Mickey Knox is older than all the "Scream" killers and has more experience, so he's better at this. Mickey Knox is the clear winner in this battle of killers, and Ghostface doesn't stand a chance! Think you can change my mind? Bring it on! I'm all ears!

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