Ghostface VS Mickey Knox

Personally, I feel Ghostface would cut bro into pieces, but that's just me. Sorta feels like Mickey would pop a few shots into our mask wearing assailant, but I think it all depends on who's on the other side of that mask.

Scream 1 : Billy & Stu

                  I feel like maybe they could? They're young & limber! However they're just highschool kids with knives compared to a mass murderer with a shotgun.

Scream 2 : Mrs. Loomis & Mickey Altieri

                 First of all, Mickey Knox would KNOCK the shit out of Mrs. Loomis, and Altieri would have to go 1-on-1 with Knox. 

Scream 3 : Roman Bridger

                 Due to the implementation of Ghostface wearing a bulletproof vest, making him less vulnerable to firepower, I think Roman is our best shot here.

I personally cap the whole series off @ 3. I'm not a big fan of 4, and since the movies about the Carpenter sisters are no longer canon, it only feels right. Let me know what you think!

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