My dni and byi <3

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   DNI→ 🦴



you’re a dry texter.

if you are racist and/or a creep.

you’re going to send sexual messages to me (in a non-joking way)

if your opinions negatively affect others and/or things.

you’re older than 16. (I'll only accept if i think ur cool)

you’re younger than 11.

gore spammer/liker (real life gore)  

incest lvrs

overly sensitive people (my gf is fine for this one)



                         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BYI→ ♡

I make sexual/kys jokes a LOT If you want me to stop cus ur uncomfortable then just tell me 

I say slurs a bit (ONLY ONES I CAN RECLAIM)

Im a minor!!! wont reveal age for online safety

I'll rant abt the drama that's happening in my life ALL the time

I get annoyed/jealous easily 

I'm always online!

                                     Hope you can be friends with me 🎀

10 Kudos


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