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Category: Blogging

3/28/24 - SPRING IS HERE!

Today is the first of Spring Break, hurray! This week's been rough for school, between witnessing a school fight and crunch time for work, I'm just glad I'm taking some leisure. In other, nicer news; my nephew got himself a Bulbasaur plushie :) He just turned 5 about 2 weeks ago and recently got really into Pokemon. I'm so happy he's becoming a Pokemon Master! I really wish he and I could enjoy some egg hunting this week for Easter, I deserve it after going through Lent.

Speaking of Easter, in the recent parade my town had for St. Patrick's Day, I volunteered as a walkaround mascot as the Easter Bunny. I had to walk around a mile in a costume that probably scarred a few kids more than anything. The head was heavy as hell and smelled like polyester, so my neck was not feeling it afterward. Not to mention, that I could not see the bottom half of my vision, so trying to look down to see where I was going was a nightmare. For some odd reason, the left end of the costume's pants was soaking wet, probably because the person who washed it did not dry it properly. The gloves had few holes in the seams, the sleeves were too big for my hands, and the "feet" shoes got dirty from me stepping on them a few times. This is presumably because it was made for a fully grown man and not a 17-year-old girl.

Now, THANK GOD CHRIST HIMSELF, that my town is as small as the IQ of the average Redditor because anything more than that mile would have been the end. We stopped at the firehouse where I changed back, my mom thanked me and said I was fantastic, and then got myself a hot dog (It was alright.) At least I'm happy that some of the kids liked my performance and were so happy to see me... except for the 3 kids that I made cry. Honestly, I can't blame them.

Hope you all have a nice spring and a good easter, I'm gonna spend it by drawing OCs, eating an unhealthy amount of ham and chocolate, and playing Capcom vs SNK 2 and Pikmin until my fingers fall off; So pretty much my ideal holiday.

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Jammer439y8's profile picture

The part where you talked about being the Easter Bunny made me laugh, because it gave me the idea of what people in mascot costumes are really thinking about underneath those giant heads.

I unironically think that being in a mascot costume sounds like a cool gig, but only to see how other people react to you, being in the actual costume would feel like a burden the whole time.

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It really sound like a easy gig at first, but then you have to walk a whole mile in it and you feel like Dante going through the 9th layer of hell XD

by Mac; ; Report

It really sound like a easy gig at first, but then you have to walk a whole mile in it and you feel like Dante going through the 9th layer of hell XD

by Mac; ; Report