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Category: Life


i havent been on spacehey much but I wanna spew about current life updates because when i first joined I was pretty sad. I was in mental hospitals every year and just not okay. Ever since my 18th i've been moving up a lot. I am renting a place with my boyfriend and im about to start college in pre-pharmacy. i lov science.. especially human phsyiology still a raging yet functional alcholic. I live in a really cute tiny yellow house that I just adore with two kitty cats and were planning on bringing in another one. i love my boyfirned so much. He is a tall tatted mullet mexican man who lets me dye his hair. he is an amazing wife who cooks me food and just wants me to sit there and be his boy. 

me and boyfruend at art myseuem

^^he is extra nerdy looking in this photo tee hee its one of my favorites becuse of that. we had a walk to the art meuseum near our house and even brought one of our cats; hoagie who loves the outdoors and is always itches to go outside. 

one really bad thing that has happened was my dad died early this year. it's been really hard and eveer since i've grown a little agoraphobic; avoiding most public places, missing school and work, and just overall more susceptive to panic attacks. I miss the really simple things like watching movies with him or his homemade breakfasts and dinners. It really sucks for my youngest sister, only an infant, who will never really know any part of him besides genetics and stories.

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