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Category: Music

My (small) CD collection

Welcome to my blog every1!!

Today I'm making a documentation post about my CD collection, and the stories behind how I got them! I'll also update this post every time I get a new one!

Siouxsie and the Banshees - Juju

This was the first CD I actually bough with my own money! I've loved Siouxsie for almost a year now, and Spellbound will always make me feel super whimsical wherever I go <333


This one I got as a surprise gift from the seller after buying a Wonyoung photo card off eBay! I was so happy I genuinely almost cried :,)

Ke$ha - Animal

I ordered this one online from a second hand seller! The reason why I got it was because I've been totally loving Ke$ha's old music recently. It's like my personal party vibe!!

Lana Del Rey - Born To Die

Honestly, this is one of my all time favorite albums so it really just felt like a must have!! 

Britney Spears - Circus

This is another one I got second hand, but it's one of those that really feel essential! Especially since I love Britney. It's such a vibe!

Alright, that's all! Thank you for reading, bai baiiii!!!

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Jonathan Ray

Jonathan Ray's profile picture

Now’s the part where you take all of my CD’s and do this for every. single. one. But fr, I love this layout!! And you should collect vinyl, they are cooler imo, I get that they aren’t very portable. But still. 🐔

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Oh, the layout is just a Picsart collage template LOLL, also I would totally be getting vinyls if I had a record player, but I really don't have the funds for it. I also like CDs a lot for the nostalgia factor and it suits me too because my vibe is very 2000s!!

by S3LM4 !; ; Report


gabbs's profile picture

I LOVE THESE!!!!! i wish i had CDs, theyre so cool 3 also i lov ur britney pfp!!!!!

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AHH OMG TYSMM!!! <3333

by S3LM4 !; ; Report