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Category: Blogging

Everything you need to know !

About me:

Name - Theodore or Finley

Nicknames - Theo, Teo, Theoweo

Nicknames(2) - Finny, Finn, Finster, Finnywinny, Finnysilly

Languages - English & Russian


Nicknames are okay

Flirting is fine but i catch feelings easily so please say yore joking if you are.

Tone tags arent needed but are preferred

DMs are open, ask to vent


basic dni


i overexplain a lot and I'm pretty shy so please excuse if at one second im bland and the next you know my whole life story i am trying!!!!

My English and Russian both suck, spelling and punctuation corrections are helpful if im trying to be serious or asking for advice but other than that please dont mind it

im trying to get diagnosed with AuDHD but it keeps getting pushed off as depression and anxiety

sometimes its easier for me to understand text when i type with random caps
       " Hello! Im Theo and I like To listen to Music and i Like The Goldfinch and IT. I Like the Rain and i like to play Guitar."

i can sometimes say triggering things on accident. i am not very good with thinking before speaking so i am so sorry if i say something triggering. 

i make it known that i have an ED and i do not intend to trigger anyone else with it but i like to talk about my life and my progression with how i am trying to deal with it. if you are uncomfortable with it, please tell me and ill try to stop.

I seem to vent a lot or sound like i am but most of the time im just explaining how my day has been and i dont intend to vent. I am usually pretty honest about how my day has been but i also sometimes try not to vent.

Thank you for your time

0 Kudos


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