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Category: Life

talking abt random things

I am queer and i am here and my back pain is more than severe

also i literally got the posture of a shrimp

i think its because of when i art. also my friend (bones) says its weird to hold ur pencil to where it touches the ring instead of middle finger. idk its normal to me ig

also i found this cute bunny game called usagi shima where you build a town for bunnies to play there and stuff. its so cuteee

also i went to ikea a while ago and i got 2 slices of chocolate cake :) also a new shelf (that i built myself :]]] ) 


also my brother  keepson playing his violin untill like ELEVEN O CLOCK LIKE BRO CHILl

ngl chlli aint even that good bro

also jofhutg at my school they give out snacks to ppl who get grades above a c and 0 tardies/absenses. but i got my card at the end so all the good snacks were gone 😭 i ended up w/ plastic flavored gummies (gushers) and og lays potato chips

ok good night/evening/afternoon or morning yallskis

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mantis >:3

mantis >:3's profile picture

just realized I said also wayyyy too much

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by mantis >:3; ; Report