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Category: Music

my problem with rebzyyx

ive seen a lot of young kids on here like 12-13 listening to rebzyyx and it just rlly rubs me the wrong way especially how his songs are mostly romanticizing self harm and suicide almost all of his songs are talking about wanting to cut or kill himself. I just hope the kids who listen to his music don't try to hurt themselves cause of these lyrics or anything. The same goes for the artist "hoshiestar" who is close with rebzyyz, making some music together and stuff. I just want these kids to be safe and not try to hurt themselves because they think its cool or "if rebzyyx does it then i wanna do it too!!!!!!!!!" or "if i cut myself ill finally be emo!!!" rebzyyx  isnt even an emo artist he just has a lot of emo like imagery in his lyrics or song covers... it sucks that the stereotype of being emo is associated with these harmful intentions even till this day :((

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Fritoleg's profile picture

I definitely agree that kids have started romanticizing that sort of thing, and that emo/scene is associated with S/H. I think I can also point out songs like Blurred Lines by Robin Thicke and Misery by Maroon 5, and how they talk about troubling topics, yet multiple people can recount from the early to mid 2010s listening to these songs on the radio. Then again, it’s a different generation and a different demographic than it is for rebzyyx, so my comparison may not apply. What I’m getting at is that songs with troubling meanings don’t explicitly make people do troubling things. Though, inevitably, young people will get improper influences and will then take after those people or media.
We can just hope that people won’t take things even further.

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yeah i get what your saying its just topics like that are still pretty relevant in the emo/scene subculture that can most likely lead to kids hurting themselves but i really hope it doesnt its just concerning

by primpink; ; Report