the two-headed cat questions the earth as it integrates into a stable housing environment

I am so annoyed when brands don't sell their seasonal flavors all the time, I mean I get it that's the whole point of them being seasonal but like even then they still don't release them around that time frame anyway.
I remember fw the fig-apple redbull a lot, then just to not seeing it for a full year.
Honestly, it's just one of my biggest pet peeves, that and sour candy. what the hell happened to sour candy??

Istg it used to hurt to eat but now it just feels like nothing, I could go through a whole bag of the "EXTREME" Sour Patch Kids and feel like I just ate the annoying cousin version of some Haribo gummy bears, Like it's in the name that's it's sour & in its marketing like you'll need to step up your game.
at this rate, I'll just start drinking pure lemon juice instead, who knows it might be healthier anyway with the benefit of ACTUALLY BEING SOUR. 

gotta love being a consumer of massive conglomerate brands who don't really care about us, it makes me feel ever so luckier than I could have ever imagined.

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