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anywayz survery abt me

The Longest Survey All About Me!!!

About Me

Time Started: 4:32PM
Name: zoxxy
Nickname: zoxx
Birthday: april 6 ^_^
Place of Birth: raleigh north carloina
Status: What
Hair: dark brown i think ?
Eyes: blue
Height: 5'2 ?
Weight: idk
Left or Right Handed: right
Heritage: idk lel
Religion: agnostic


Season: winter
Month: april
Holiday: halloween
Place you've been to: my room
Music genre: rock
Colour: black
Number: 6
Animal: capybara
Food: mac n cheese
Drink: mtn dew
Alcoholic-drink: i dont really like alchohol rhat much
Television show: azumanga daioh
Ice Cream flavour: cookiez n cream
Cereal: lucky charmz
Movie: saw 2004
Actor/Actress: paul dano

Have You Ever...

Kissed in the rain: no
Stripped for somebody: NO
Skinny dipped: NO ??????
Gone out with somebody because you felt sorry for them: NO
Lied to your boyfriend/girlfriend: no
Cheated: NO
Lied badly to a friend: idk ??? i dont think so
Fallen inlove: idk ive had lotz of crushez
Done something you badly regretted: yes !
Gotten somebody in heaps of trouble to save yourself: idk
Bought something you didnt even want: yea
Broken somebodys heart: i donr think so??
Had your heart broken badly: no
Been rejected.. Don't lie nowww!!: no
Rejected somebody for shallow reasons: no
Pretended you were friends with somebody you hated: kinda not rly

Do You...

Have your licence: no
Own a car: no
Have any pets: used 2
Have any siblings: yes
Smoke: no
Drink often: no
Go clubbing: no
Have one night stands: no
Often lie: sumtimez but itz tiny liez ?
Swear: yes
Have a job: no
Have any bad qualities you'd change: yes very much


Longest relationship: n/a
What's you natural hair colour: dirty blonde ^_^
Do you wear contacts/glasses: yes glassez
Ever kissed a stranger: no
Hardest time you've gone through in your life: idk
Have you ever betrayed a friend: idk
Can you speak another language: no (i wna thou)
Any special talents: i dont think so
5 things you'd love to do beefore you die: idk
Who was the last person you went to dinner with: my dad
Do you get along with your parents: kindof
Do you know anyone with the same birthday as you: yes
Person you'd consider to have the best relationship with: ummm idk js my closest friendz ig ^_^
Do you go gym: no
Best and worst physical feature: best is uerhhh ive been told my face is masculine so that nd worst isss everything
Best and worst personality trait: best uhh i think im funny 🥺🥺🥺 worst is i get angy easailely EHLP
Do you find it hard to be honest: dependz
Does your bedroom have a theme: not rlly lel
Do you like taking pictures: ya
If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be: b nicer
Ever been extremely jealous of somebody: yes
Ever wanted what you cant have: yes
Favourite perfume/cologne: lysol ! 🥺
Favourite flower: idk yellow rosez
What country do you wish to visit most: sweden
Do you wish you could have a specific person back in your life: yes
Would you ever dye your hair red: yes
Can you draw: yes
Last person you kissed: n/a
Last person who told you they cared for you/loved you: idr
Are you missing anybody: yes
Do you have a crush on anyone: yes
Dream job: errrrrrrrrrrrrrmmm yter !! LMAO
Wish you were.....: a cat
Last person that messaged/called you: msg: mai // call: my cuzin
What are you doing tomorrow: sleep
Have a deep dark secret?????: yea
Time finished: 4:44PM

Take this survey -> https://www.pimp-my-profile.com/surveys/view.php?id=52027

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Izzy's profile picture

Heyhey! Idrk if I gotta ask permission from you, but would you mind if I used the same survey template as you? Thought it'd be fun to try out!

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itz not mine !! itz from https://www.pimp-my-profile.com/surveys/view.php?id=52027

by zoxx; ; Report

Alrighty, ty! :-D

by Izzy; ; Report