Ronnie Radke was my first celebrity crush when I was 8 years old

Ronnie Radke was my first celebrity crush fun fact. So here's the story. I was 8 years old (12 almost 13 years ago if my math is correct. I'm 20 about to turn 21). I was staying the night at my cousins house (she was a teenager at the time). We were laying in her bed about to go to bed when she pulls out her blackberry button phone and says "do you think this guy is cute?" and there he was...Ronald Radke himself on her background. I said yes and she says "omg let me show you his band". We go into her parents room (my aunt and uncles room) and hopped on their family computer where she pulled up Youtube and typed in "Falling in Reverse". She showed me "The Drug in me is You" and "I'm Not a Vampire" and I fell in love. Ever since then, I've been emo...This is the picture on her phone that made me fall in love. LOL

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