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Category: Blogging

my experience as an artist ig?

(there is a happy ending!) a few days ago i cried really hard for like the second time this year bc i felt like my art wasnt improving compared to other people my age.. i was just super down cause some people compliment my art to my face and go behind my back to talk badly about it. it sucks being an artist in class because no one cares abt ur art or just you in general unless youre actually popular and liked.

so at like 1 am that same day (it was 11pm when that all happened) i just said "FUCK IT!!! im not going to improve if i just cry abt it" and went on an art grind trying my best to improve my technique, shading, anatomy, etc.. :D i felt a lot better after that and i feel like ive regained my confidence a little bit.

it helped a bunch when i posted one of the sketches that i drew that day on tumblr and it got a lot of interactions! usually i get like 1-15 notes but i got around 20 notes on that post which made me rlly feel like i improved a lot :3 it sucks how people are just gonna be terrible no matter what, but at this point idgaf! im just going to focus on my own improvement and art without worrying about the negative opinions of other ppl!!!!

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