
does anyone else have a problem with sticking to one style?

i swear i cannot buy any new clothes because i cant stick to one style and then switch to another one within a few weeks, then sell the old clothes and end up regretting it because i'm back into that style again. i have multiple styles that i love but i get more interested in one style more and then switch again...seems too annoying to wear all of them at once.

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weirdhouseplant's profile picture

I just keep some variety in my wardrobe. You should probably do some research into capsule wardrobes so you can switch between diffrent styles. The stitchess on youtube has some great guides to building your wardrobe but there's loads of resources online

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honestly i would keep everything but i get so broke n need some moolah

by maddy; ; Report


InkObsessedFreak's profile picture

[] I usually just ke3p a wardrob3 of differ3nt clothing and styl3 them for whatev3r i'm fe3ling inst3ad of sticking to full outfits only

[] Lik3 a lot of stuff for goth can be us3d for 3mo or scen3 and vic3 v3rsa, some stuff from y2k and alternativ3 can be us3d for other styl3s, things lik3 that

[] I oft3n dr3ss eith3r rav3, punk or scen3 but som3 casual it3ms can add to thes3 outfits

[] sometim3s I wanna be soft tho so I ke3p som3 of thos3 too

[] I don't think anyon3 sticks to on3 styl3 all the tim3

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talk normally u look like a clown

by maddy; ; Report