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Category: Blogging

Yapping :3 3/24/2024 (this will prob be deleted)

Guys this is my first blog and it's just me ranting:D

K I was originally gonna post this on tiktok stories but idk it's kinda sad like I feel like tiktoks are embarrassing if no one sees them, but like if I post them to spacehey it's kinda fine if no one sees them cuz its so niche :)

Anyways the thing I am so frustrating and fuming about is beauty standards, everything is beautiful and has an amazing reason to exist. Pretty privelidge makes me want to do violent things not really but Yknow, and when conventionally pretty people hate on others for maybe being older, having different face shape or body sizes suck, like what gives you the right they are just as much as human as you are. AND ALSO ITS NOT EVEN JUST HUMAN??? Think moths and butterflies, they are almost EXACTLY the same thing, but since butterflies are colourful and associated with flowers they are better then moths. And before people say “oh but like people are allowed to have different taste in people” ok? But that doesn't give you the right to call someone “fucking ugly” it's not fair. One last thing I hate is when seniors are called ugly because of age, or people think wrinkles are ugly, THEY ARENT, I love smile lines, crows feet (crinkle by eye), and I think scars are great, they are like trophies showing off what you've experienced in like and how you are still standing today. Before someone decides I'm excusing unhealthy habits, everyone is pretty and idk omg stopp I was about to type I love everyone but I feel that sounds too like I'm a delusional happy go lucky ponies and rainbows kinda person but like I do, I just want people to be happy and not ashamed to be themselves because that sucks and no one should hate themself because of naturally occurring genetics. :( and I don't mean to romanticize the bad reasons people could have scars it's just I feel if you've been through something and are still here you are strong

Okay guys I love yapping maybe I'll blog more often like a cutesy diary :3, ok love you all bye <3  (also sorry if I sound like I'm envisioning a perfect world where everyone and everything is happy just feeling frustrated on how people view things)

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