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Category: Blogging

gf problems

backstory: i had a huge crush on this girl for the whole year and e eventually started talking, we talked for like a month. things were going really good but one day she starting getting distant and after about a week of her being distant she eventually send me text that was along the lines of "hey im not ready for a relationship" even tho she started it but i thought "its okay ill let it slide" but turns out she just wanted to get back with her ex...which she did. 

 actual problem: so she texted me after like 2 months and apologized and it was something like "you didnt deserve to be led on and im really sorry i picked the wrong person and im sorry". i told her it was fine but i dont know what to do. i really like her and were talking but im scared its gonna happen again and i feel the only reason she texted me that is cuz her ex gf cheated on her but i really like her. i dont know if shes being real or if i just want her to be real. 
 i honestly dont know what to do so comment you opinion please, itll really help 

XOXO, Quinnz

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Manna's profile picture

For your sanity, I suggest you stop talking to her. You are a fine person and you will find someone who will genuinely care. Been there, the damage will last for a really long time. Please.

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thank you, i think thats what ill do and thanks for your help!!

by Quinnz; ; Report

also thanks for taking time out of you day to reply and help me🫶

by Quinnz; ; Report


mabbyitsnotokay 's profile picture

i mean... she lost a cool person (its u LOL) soo dont be sad about it, u will find someone one day & she don't deserve u, ur more but not for that girl u know??
i hope ur okay now!!!

-XOXO MABBY, i'm out!!!;3

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thank you for supporting me and helping me with what i should do and your also a really cool person!!🫶

by Quinnz; ; Report