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Category: Blogging

I have a Guestbook!! \o/

Hello!! After I saw a bulletin by my ever so kind friend Elodie (check her out, she's great!!), I decided to make my own guestbook!

"But Gum, what is a guestbook?"

First, get out of my lawn, whippersnapper!

I kid, I kid. It's basically a space where you can just leave short messages, usually of good will to the owner of the guestbook! You know, stuff like "Thank you for being so kind", "you're great", or "sorry for running your toes over".

Normally, and usually, they're physical pen and paper books, on which you had to write. Manually, by hand. Buuuuut this is the digital era, baby! We've virtualised our TV, our newspapers, and our sense of dread, so why not virtualise that too.

Go check it out, it's

Also, thank you again, Elodie!! ^^

(yes, I ported my bulletin to a blogpost because I want y'all to know about it! ^^)

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