i will NEVER drink again!!!

Fun Story actually, last year in october, me & my old friends decide 2 go 2 a place (a park) & buy vodka, but before all of that we smoke some sh1t, like weed u know, soooo we'r like SOOO f1ckep up.

The story started in my class, geography class, me & my class mate were talking about smoke some sh1t... like, we smoke before, like, all wednesdays BUT ANYWAYS, & we agree with that, me & my mate class call 2 my group friends & i sayed "hey, do u wanna smoke some sh1t & get drunk? at the park in 12:30 am", they agree but anyways. When was 12:30, we were all in the park, talking & laughing but my 2 ohter friends (Matilde & André) buyed the vodka, when i saw that i was like "this is gonna be fucked up if our parents discover about it".... we were like 15 teenagers that never get drunk before, except Matilde, she drink like every f1ck night.... ANYWAYS... 1 houre pass & the bottle of vodka it was with me (my friends toll me that because in the next day i was hangover LOL) it was almost empty util i pass out in the park grass, YES I PASS OUT obsllyy because i never got drunk before in that time, well my friends did not leave me there alone because they call my mom, it was emberrased for me & 2 my friends 2 i guess, at least my mom took me at home but she was like screaming 2 me, anyways, then i went 2 my room & sleep like a baby... A DRUNK BABY ;P

the next day i woke up & my computer was with a lot of message, like photos & videos from the other day, i open it & it was me talking about eating the park grass with my other friend (Olivia), it was strange & emberrased but now days i laugh about it.

THATS IT!!! i wanted 2 share that story with all of u BESTIES!!!!:D

-XOXO MABBY, i'm out!!!:<

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