Being Human (THE SHOW) rant

So I've started watching a show called Being Human. It's a British show from 2009 and omg it's confusing...? Mitchel's views change every episode and George is wet and pathetic one moment and then a total asshole the other. It's still good, but like? Having two of the main characters have constant changes like that is odd, pacing wise. I know, I know, "Wow! Media literacy is going down the drain, you can't take complex characters!" I CAN GUYS... I understand that these, Mitchel's views and George's asshole-ary, are important to their characters! It directly shows us how desperately they want humanity and happiness! Mitchel's views change because he's always trying to do the right thing, whether for him or for others, and George lashes out because of his hatred of his condition! Did I mention that Mitchel is a vampire and George is a werewolf and that they are trying to act like normal people, whoopies... 

Mitchel is more excusable in my opinion, he's trying to quit drinking blood which has him basically in a permanent state of drug withdrawal. 

George should NOT be off and on like that all the time, I really can't find out a reason why he's like that. They've shown no coloration with it being the moon or anything, so? He's just yelling randomly? ESPICALLY TOWARDS HIS GIRLFRIEND!!!!!!!!!! NOTHING COULD MAKE ME HATE YOU NINA!!!!!!!!! AND HE CHEATED ON HER, FOR WHAT??? NOTHING!!

Nina is a real one. George scratched her and made her a werewolf, she realized how much he sucks -mixed with the shock of becoming a werewolf and learning about the supernatural- and she DUMPED HIS ASS! GOOD FOR YOU NINA. DO NOT LET HIM TREAT YOU LIKE THAT

Annie is also good! She's a ghost that died in the house that Mitchel and George (and Nina for a bit) live in. She's fun and seemingly ditzy, but also paranoid and clingy, which I think adds a lot more to her character considering how she died (pushed down the stairs by her abusive fiancé). GOD her death and after life are so interesting and intertwined, forming how she interacts with others!!!!!!! Nina and Annie for the win guys.

Anyhow, thanks for listening too my rant, this would be way to long of a Tumblr post!

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