VAMPTRIX :P 's profile picture

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Category: Life

am i meant to be able to tell if i annoy people THIS IS VERY LONG

i cannot tell when i annoy my friends like when i talk about something i really like and they just yell at me to shut up they do not tell me to stop before i would if they asked me also sometimes i try to talk to them and then they start a convo with someone else  almost imminently after i try to talk to them i dont really talk to people when i go to school i dont really tak to any of my friends and i mostly talk to people online but it still hurts when someone is openly trying to ignore you ,you know?? i also have this one friend who switches upvery quicckly on me and sometimes i dont know whats going on they could be fine in one minute and angry and hitting me the next i dont really mind it becouse she is nice to me sometimes but she did stab me with a sharp pencil one though and it hurt and the school sent me home but its fine becouse ive been stabbed  with a compus multple times and that hurts alot more                                                                                                                                                         sorry for spelling mistakes i have a very faulty keyboard and cannot spell well to begin with :`( 

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