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Story Writing Character | The Original Character

On December 15th 2019, I joined a Garry's Mod server known simply as "Ninja's Build and Kill". Ninja's Build and Kill was a Sandbox server that had a Role-Playing server in addition to it, but it wasn't any ordinary DarkRP or something along those lines. It was actually a discord RP group that had all the types of fantasies you'd expect from furrries on discord. But to 12 year old me, I was thrilled at the idea of me being able to make anything I wished and to interact with people as said characters, so I got to work on making my very first "OC."

This very first character of mine was simply referred to as "Luxy" which was my username as I had no other ideas on what names to give him. The details of the character at the time were very deviantartish, but that was to be expected from a young teenagers creation. The details are as follows:

Name: Luxy (last name was made later, being 'Duxy', 'Lunaris', or 'Lunara')
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Species: Anthropomorphic Feline (later changed to 'Demonic Feline')
Backstory: tl;dr: Luxy is the Doom Slayer if he was a cat and was a demon in disguise.

The character was...decently portrayed I suppose. I always balanced him around the idea that Brutal Doom was in use, with the lore being catered around Doom 3's setting and tone.
fun fact: brutal doom being in use is the reason Luxy's original creation always loved using the Pistol, so much so that he didn't use anything else outside of the occasional Super Shotgun blast.

Later on however, I decided to update Luxy to make him fit in a lot better with the other characters that were around the RP at the time. This new fit is as follows:

Luxy "stopped hiding his demonic side" and had a rapid appearance and attitude change, which made him edgier and a lot more evil looking. In addition to this, Luxy also gained "Demonic Magic" which in my lore was a hybrid of World Of Warcraft magic with Skyrim magic. In particular, Luxy is a very skilled Necromancer, and illusionist.
fun fact: if you put Luxy in World Of Warcraft, he would've been a Death Knight / Lich / Lich King.
fun fact 2: if you put Luxy in Skyrim, his skill selection would be 100 in Necromancer, 80 in Illusion, 50 in Alteration, and 25 in everything else.

This was also where Luxy gained his last name, being "Lunaris" at the time.

His reaction from RPer's was nothing more than shock and terror, due to my horrible execution in revealing him. It was so bad, they had to void him from the rp! And as such, Luxy would stop being publicly used for a while after this, and a new character would've been made (but i'll get onto that one later :>)

After this situation, I still decided to make up ideas and lore for him as I knew I was going to request permission to use him again, so I decided to brainstorm ideas for what "Hell" would be in my universe. At first I was stumped, as I didn't want it to just be a carbon copy of Doom but I also didn't like the idea of it being a huge wasteland either, which is where this YouTube video got put on my recommendations!
Diving By Zero/Slim Pickens Does The Right Thing And Rides The Bomb To Hell

I watched this music video and quite liked the song, so I began playing it on repeat for hours which caused my curiosity to spark and I'd watch the music video itself. I then saw all these hell-like scenarios and got...inspired by it, actually. I liked how "Earth-Like" Hell was in this, which is what I then used in my own lore.

But, I didn't entirely know what to do with Hell afterwards. As I said, I wanted to distance itself from Doom and so I wanted to make it more and more unique so it could never be entirely compared to Doom, which gave me the idea to make Hell's or Heaven's that were for specific groups of species, and each Hell had their own politics and Ideal's, to the rate they can be at war with other Hell's or at peace with certain Heaven's. This is what it would stay as for a very long time.

I realized that I now needed to give these Hell's a name, which was gonna take a long while due to all the Hell's and Heaven's that exist. So, I decided to give names to only those I was focusing on at the time, which was Cat Hell, Dog Hell, and Cat Heaven. So, I decided to give them names that related to a stereotype or sounded similar to the Hell/Heaven counterparts. The name's are as follows:

Cat Hell - Yarani, Yaketchi, Yamana
Cat Heaven - Yahara

Dog Hell - Puppera
Dog Heaven - Puppahera

After I formed all this, I began to make lore that tied in with these Hell's, and Heaven's. Although, Heaven's would start to get lore later on, with the only Hell's getting lore being Yarani and Puppera for now. This lore is very simple:

Two hell's, Yarani and Puppera were at a constant war with one another ever since their creation. With Leader "Luxy Lunaris" leading the Yarani side against Canines, they aggressively destroyed all forms of life on Puppera and caused it to become part of the "Void".

...And that's basically it when it came to the very first rendition of Heaven and Hell, but I soon made a lot more lore for Yarani due to my obsession with writing about it at the time, which is as follows:

Yarani is a huge Earth-Like plain with three districts within it, with one being named "Yarani" as the capital city, "Yaketchi" as a suburb-like area, and "Yamana" as a "Middle-Of-No-Where" area. Yarani is known as a place of technology and creation, whilst Yaketchi and Yamana are infamous for being drug-dens. Yamana is especially bad, having no actual government controlling the area due to how bad the crime has gotten in that specific district. Outside of this, it is a very decent place to live, with not that bad of a crime problem in Yarani.

If you want an idea on what "Yarani" looks like, think Tokyo City.
If you want an idea on what "Yaketchi" looks like, think "Parker Square" from Watch Dogs 1.
If you want an idea on what "Yamana" looks like, think "Paleto Bay" or "Sandy Shores" from GTA 5.

With this new lore also came with new lore to replace Luxy's old one, which is as follows:

Luxy is the leader of Yarani, and also the youngest out of them all at only 21 years old. He had an abusive family at a young age, and one day was kicked out presumably due to childcare benefits no longer effecting Luxy, which forced him to fend for himself. He ended up finding a group of people who saw Luxy in this horrible position in life and offered their help, of which Luxy accepted. Luxy was then trained to use demonic magic, and ended up becoming a Necromancer and later on became an Illusionist.

When Luxy became 13 years old, he started to participate in School, and quickly began to get up the ranks of College which allowed him to become a Gladiator, which Luxy had always dreamed about becoming ever since he was a child.

Luxy ended up becoming a very high tiered Gladiator, slaying countless people and some higher tier ones without being hit once! All of which he would've resurrected as his own Necromancer Zombies, which only added to his strength. But one day, he was challenged by the old leader of Yarani, "Ray".

Luxy accepted, and the two fought each other for hours, causing all of Luxy's zombies to be completely destroyed and for Luxy to be on his last legs, and was about to be killed himself until Ray decided that he'd spare Luxy's life, as he was only 19 at the time. Luxy took this as a learning experience, and trained harder and faster so he could overcome Ray's challenges in the future.

A rematch soon happened at the age of 21, which would've been their last, as Luxy viciously defeated Ray within only 35 seconds of combat starting. Which crowned Luxy the champion, and new leader of Yarani.

This is the lore that would stick with Luxy for a very long time, until about 2022, where Luxy would be given new lore and a new character entirely! The details are as follows:

Luxy is still a demon, but is no longer the leader of hell. Instead, he resides on Earth as a Yarani refugee, living in a small town as a therapist at the local school.

In this, I focused on Yarani Refugees, as Yarani was going under a "Evil" rework and no longer was going to be portrayed positively. Luxy was one of the many that fled to Earth, and immediately proved himself very useful for the town itself, especially in the education system. His use case most of the time was for characters to talk about their problems, and for Luxy to offer his assistance which most of the time was positive or worked, but some might not of...

Later on however, Luxy decided to lead a civil war against Yarani with the friends he made on Earth, eventually succeeding so he can overtake the crown and change Yarani for the better.

This is what Luxy would stay as for a very long time, but later on would be given some micro adjustments. One of them was a name change, going from "Luxy' to "Aliana". The reason I did this was simply because I wanted to distance Luxy from my old username at the time.

Additionally, he was also changed to be Female instead of Male. Reason is to change it from the original envision and to distance it from my past username (at the time)

Later on however in late 2023-current, Aliana was renamed to Luxy again, and Luxy has been given a face shift that isn't too far from the demonic version, where Luxy has become the leader of Yarani again, and this time has a goal that's a lot more complex than any other lores I've particularly made. The goal of hers is very simple:

In this lore, God is the reason for the creation of both Heaven and Hell. However, he had made these two things as a backup plan for if his "Eden" plan failed. Unfortunately, his Eden plan did fail which caused in his own death by the very people he had created. However, his plans weren't over yet, as there were dozens of people who could fill in the blanks that he failed to accomplish. Just before he died, he chose 15 people to be gifted with unique abilities that would allow them to gain god-like powers, and have the abilities required to achieve the same Eden plan. But after witnessing countless of his chosen people die without realizing their true intentions, he decided to choose two special people that died to become the leaders of Hell and Heaven.

Luxy Lunaris just so happened to be one of the people chosen to be the leader of Hell after being slain by a newly created vampire named "Mirika Authstaine", and was given the tools necessary to build Hell into whatever he wanted.  He built it into being Earth-Like, and started to research ways of gathering people to achieve God's "Eden" plan.

This quest ended up finding the last chosen person alive, who is simply named "Jolene Charata". But that is a story for another blog :)

And that is basically it when it comes to Luxy. She's my original character, the very first one I've ever made and one I still use to this day. Hell, a lot of my other characters are simply characters that take Luxy as a base, meaning that if you witness another one of my characters like "Kal" or "Kaz" Wenderson, you're probably looking at Luxy without realizing it.

Also, this isn't a fully-in-depth lore dump about Luxy at all. Theres a ton of things I neglected to mention, like the time Luxy had an Angelic Feline Girlfriend, or Luxy's two adopted daughters. But I decided to neglect them so I could write this a lot better, and a lot faster.

Thanks for reading, if you have any questions you can email me at!

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