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average school day of a vampire girl

haii guys first blog!!! idrk what im doing but you guys better like my blog or ill drink your blood (㇏(•̀ᵥᵥ•́)ノ)

todayyyy i had to rise from my beloved coffin (my bed) and go to purgatory (school), i almost fell back asleep bc i was so tired but thankfully i didnt cuz then id miss the bus and my lil ahh would get whooped to hell and back

once i got there i did a biology test i didnt even study for and got a super good score 28/30 😭😭😭 and then i went to english class and grinded in all my missing work and now i have an A!!!!!!!!!!!!

UMM but for geometry class i had a quiz and absolutely bombed it.... i tried to have my friend give me the answers and he did, but the stupid teacher gave each class a different test so i failed it because the answers werent correct.... i just wrote "I DONT KNOW" really big on the page and i got a 2.5 out of 20....yikes... but ummm im still not failing atleast, i went from a C- (72) to a D+ (68) so atleast im not gonna fail the class (yet)...

lunch was sooo good the food was really good and the lunch ladies gave me 2 sandwiches instead of 1 (idk why they did that) and my friend who brought leftovers from home let me have the rest of his alfredo chicken pasta MMMMMMMM that shit was SOOOOOOO good like im not even gonna lie to you. then my OTHER friend gave me his pink lemonaide and lunch eva 

in economics class i had to read my 1000 word essay outloud. i wanted to end it all but nobody seemed to bothered by my presentation so its alr.... other than that i literally ignored everything and sat in class and didnt do SHIT 😭😭😭

spanish (my fav ever class ever) was really good, i had a really easy assignment which was to make a slideshow about likes and dislikes, so really easy plus im already familar with the language so it was again REALLY EASY and also the teacher is really nice and im her favourite :3 making the slideshow passed time really fast tho and next thing you know im at homeeeeee where i am now ill make another blog about home later fdjgfjgkjangijsngjdsfgjsdfgkjbsdfgkj anyways baiiiiiiiii

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