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Category: Games


This one is a little long

also, the people involved have gone on to do some cool shit.

Howdy, this story comes from all the way back a couple years before 2020 hit, and i figured it'd make a good blog. So i happened to be browsing itch dot io when i discovered Intercept, it was a lot like Hackmud if you're familiar with that game (text/console based, hacking other players type stuff) although it was a lot more simpler and run by one guy i think. There had already been a micro community sort of gathered around this project by the time i got there, and most of the good players also happened to be top (or atleast very good) Hackmud players.

Anyways, Intercept was kind of an innovator when it came to exploring the whole thing, which was done so by either looking around the web, through dead or npc accounts, bounties and even at some point the dev would puppet an oracle character and send messages directly to the player, while it was cryptic, everyone else tried to document these sort of events because it was important, i guess. This type of stuff was real good, you could even make corps with friends and team up to do cool hacker shenanigans

I loved doing bounties in Intercept, logging on and cracking accounts or installing malware onto corporate servers was really fucking fun, the Hacking in general was really good, i'd say better than how Hackmud does it. You'd have to find/grab an ip, probe it and open up their ports to make a connection, and from there you could access the filesystem and transfer currency, as well as leaving notes or clearing tracks before you leave. In fact, there was even a Bank called The Hive (or the Hex? can't remember) but players had cracked it and stolen everything long ago, Chirp (the dev) completely allowed this, along with a bunch of other things that were basically permanent changes to how the world of Intercept was like.

One of the biggest events that happened in Intercept was sadly before i got into it, there were stories of this echoing throughout the game, what it was was Chirp had set up a system where 4 players had to hack 16 (or more (?)) ports to get in and get something really valuable, the players that did this were given a permanent trophy next to their name that always showed up, it was pretty cool and i never got one because i was too late, oh well.

So, here's what i consider the most important part of this post, a handful of months after i was playing the game, having fun and whatnot. Chirp sort of announced he didnt have anything left for the game and was thinking of shutting it down, he saw me and some other players still on so he kept it around for a little while longer, but other than that. Intercept had been shut down...

If it weren't for the fact that Chirp handed over the entirety of Intercept to me. Including the server files needed to host the game.

That's right, it was either the same day or the day after Chirp shut it down did he give me the files, I still have them infact, and its always every month or two does this game still pop up into my head, check it out and realise i have no idea how to bring the game back to life with what i have. I say this because the game, despite being a relatively simple hacking game, was the first that introduced me to the genre, so it means a lot to me. Also the gameplay was simpler and easier to get into than Hackmud, heh.

I'd love to be able to get the game going again, if anyone's interested, let me know and i'll show you everything i've got, including a "v2" exclusive version of the game i've got in the same folder (which i think was a rewrite of the game in the Love engine? can't remember)

Additional Notes:

Chirp, the developer, also went by Bubmet or just Bub at the time, most recognizable from using a Cockatiel bird profile picture. Chirp has gone on to develop Ktisis, a screenshot (and now animation?) tool for Final Fantasy XIV Online, thanks for sticking around, bub.

Bobthebob9, one of the more notable players during Intercept/Hackmud, went on to make THE Northstar Client for Titanfall 2, i was lucky enough to be around him during this development and he would often post videos of custom things that weren't possible before in Titanfall. Godspeed you magnificent bastard, can't believe you fuckin work at Respawn now.

Some more honourable mentions for Intercept & Hackmud include, Fayti, Alpha, Marto, towergame, envis, jake, hertz. I've most definitely forgotten some people, i miss you fuckin goobers.

Last mention, there was a twitter account made for Intercept, probably to advertise the game and whatnot. It is still online, but has never posted and probably never will. take a look for yourself.

Thanks for sticking around to the bottom, dear reader. Catch ya later B)

now playing
ยป vlan party
Hackmud; Lena Raine

2 Kudos


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Fawkes's profile picture

me habe server, know nothing about hacking games

also slick blog css brad

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i'm down to show ya what i've got out back for the Intercept files, i'm pretty sure it still works out of the box and all the content is still intact if it weren't for the defunct login/registration screen (because there's no server to connect to)

i usually just use Ikoe's At Night mini version for the blog css but i wanted to change it up a little here because this one is special '-'

by brad; ; Report

I would be down indeed, but probably not anytime soon since I've got a large stack of tech projects to work on already. I'll slide this into the stack somewhere and hit you up when I get to that.

by Fawkes; ; Report

sure! its not like these are secretly going to blow up my pc for being on it too long or anything

by brad; ; Report