please help

is it okay that my bf would prefer to have a gf that is 100% diff than me?? he said he wants a girl who's chill (like for example letting him have girl friends and other sus things) but im literally the opposite of that and liike is that okay? it personally hurt my feelings ive been crying for an hour now and i wanna know if im not overreacting. ty if u write a comment to help me

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Vladimir "Mint" Starcraft

Vladimir "Mint" Starcraft's profile picture

it definitely sounds a bit weird that he'd say that to you when you guys are dating, and you aren't overreacting by being hurt or confused that youre not what he says he wants when you were led to believe you were what he wants considering hes, yknow, your boyfriend. id recommend you guys talk about it and communicate further
be with somebody who loves you like you love them!!! dont let anybody push you down.

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aidan 's profile picture

1. nah u arent id be crying 2 lolz
2. it is kinda sus but give him the benefit of the doubt, if he takes advantage thats on him!
3. he wouldnt be wit u if he didn't like u the way i see it, so i think ur good!

feel bettterrrr

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we broke up. lol

by hel333n; ; Report