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Waaa just ordered an mp3 player

I've been so tired of all the streaming stuff lately and finally caved and got it off ebay during my. first class. It's just a cheap one because I really only need it to hold music but it's black and I can put stickers on it wooooo

Just been FED UP with spotify lately and having to rely on it especially knowing my premium discount won't last and there's no way in hell I'm paying 10.99 for that. Back in middle school I had an iPod and would burn a lot of cds so I'm used to the whole ripping and saving songs so W but I might need an adapter of some kind now. No ads ever again and I might be able to get all my cds on there in the more distant future!! That'll be at least 120$ per year saved also.

Anddd I can put stuff on there that spotify doesn't have like enstars songs so I WILL have the entire Ryuseitai discography available In My Hands soon....Will update when it comes and I decorate it a little

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remnantblackbox's profile picture

That's really interesting. I've made a similar choice regarding photography. Today's cameras feel somewhat like computers, and since I spend 8 hours a day programming/coding software at work in front of a monitor, I've decided to delve into analog photography. Zero screens and no need to worry about post-processing and editing.

I think it's probably a way to escape what subjectively feels like harmful (not quite the right word, but i can't find a better one) design. I have similar feelings about spotify and its interface, especially with the latest versions that resemble tiktok.
I've never thought about buying a MP3 player, but reading this post is making me think about it.

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Oo that sounds really neat. I'm a little worried about not owning all of my music and stuff especially if something happens to the internet one day. Even just when service is bad it kinda sucks having no music so if anything serious happened I don't wanna be screwed like a lot of people will be. It's kinda weird thinking about like it's an investment ik, but a 25$ purchase now and maybe an adapter and/or 128gb sd card is gonna be like 60$ total but no more ~streaming~ and no more buying music online since I rip everything of ytmp3 or just transfer from the cd collection. Constant access too. I wouldn't be shocked if this decade apple did away with actually owning music and switched entirely to streaming but that's kinda conspiracy theory shit idk

Huuuuge agree on how you feel about about harmful designs and the tiktokification of everything. I think it's really killing people to have constant access to mostly valueless short form content, like that's gotta mess up your dopamine and attention span and all that.

by oklunch; ; Report

I totally get what you mean about the fear of losing access to music.
I've thought about it a bunch of times. That's why I find myself using Bandcamp more than Spotify these days, because I can actually buy the music and I can download it directly.
Now that I think of it, pairing this with an MP3 player would be awesome!

And yeah, I think your take about apple is spot-on, as its services and interests are changing becoming more similar to those of other companies. It seems like every company's jumping on the streaming service bandwagon for movies and shows, so maybe it's only a matter of time before they do the same for music.

Anyway, separating devices for different scopes it's a good thing for living with a more suitable pace for humans. Less distractions, just being focused on a device at a time.

Curious to know how it turns out with your MP3 player!

by remnantblackbox; ; Report