Certainly the website creator has his reasons for not implementing the functions I will suggest below. Regardless of the reason for not having these functions here, know that they are essential functions for any website of this type. Unfortunately, the public does not stay on a website when they realize that things like this are not available on a website, interest drops and then the user disappears and never comes back. I really want Spacehey to grow, and to have more good users interacting. Urgent suggestions: 1) Quote button in forum topics, as it greatly facilitates communication. (if possible, notification of quote reply would also be welcome too) 2) Image upload. I know it would take up a lot of space and such, but it is very tiring for users who are not used to using other sites to upload images to post here. (There must be some security mechanism to prevent inappropriate images from being posted as gore, and that it is not too stressful for the moderators) 3) Feed with group forum topics updates, with most recent replies. The lack of this function, in my opinion, is the main reason why users don't stay on the site. If the person doesn't know or does not have the patience to look for a group with interaction, interest will disappear, as the user will think that the site is abandoned, especially if they only find groups with old posts. 4) Numerical pagination in topics. The current way is not good, especially in pages with more than 100 replies, and 1000 replies And is that. If we want to see these functions on Sapacehey we have to get together and ask the creator, on his profile or through support. Hugs to you who read my post

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I think that some updates should be added to the site but still leave it in the nostalgic form of the old sites from the 2010s
I believe that the Quote button and numerical pagination do not affect the nostalgic aesthetics of the site in any way. In my point of view, numerical pagination would be even more nostalgic than the current form. Now about the Feed, maybe if only showed the titles of topics/entries and the names of groups/blogs,,, updating by pressing the Refresh button, without automatic form... Image uploading would be more complicated, there would need to be a security system to prevent inappropriate things from being posted
by Cara Incógnito; ; Report
I agree, I'm talking about things that are quite inappropriate but very important to know and try to censor as much as possible, topics like p3dophilia, social media problems, and things of this kind that people still don't fully understand, but let's say in the context of pictures of d3ad b0dies, I saw Lots of accounts like this here that you don't do anything with.
by Alice; ; Report
It is important to talk about these topics if it is to raise awareness and alert the people. What I wanted to say is that in order to allow image uploads, there should be a security system against these horrible images... Something like what was proposed in this petition https://forum.spacehey.com/topic?id=155242
by Cara Incógnito; ; Report