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Category: Pets and Animals



Cats are hella epic and that their also super duper cool cause they can climb trees and they can hunt prey ect... But there is a bad side of cats. They DONT FRICKING KNOW HOW TO LISTEN like i get it! their just cats they think their the bosses of US OWNERS WHO BUY THEM EVERYTHING THEY NEED BUT THEY DONT FRICKING PLAY WITH IT OR USE IT! but besides all of that cats are super cute and that they are so awesome cause they hunt the mice in your home and they just sleep for hours so you can just yap to them about anything and since their like tired and stuff they wont tell you to shut up or to be quiet because again their tired and cat do anything. But sometimes when you yap to much to them they fricking leave :( thats the most saddest thing to ever happen to be honest but!! they are also very silly and sometimes can be VERY stupid like they would climb on top of something huge and you know it would be easy to like climb up to where they were climbing but as soon as they want to get down their stuck. Like what im trying to say is that when something is easy to climb on/get on the first time doesnt mean it would be easy to get down or to climb down. My cat has done that one to many times cause his dummy really thinks that hes sigma and all trying to impress his cat friends or his cat girlfriend but ends up hurting himself and stuff but little does THAT CAT know i have to waste over 200$ to get his limbs fixed cause he broke it when he was trying to jump down off a place that WAS SUPER DUPER HIGH! Like somethimes that phrase "Cats always lands on their feet" isnt always true or unless my cat is just hella stupid and doesnt know how to land on its feet but! thats whats going on with my cat cause for some reason i would like kinda shove him off my back and this cat would land on his back making a whole scene then he would be crying the whole night. Sometimes it feels like im raising an actual baby but that might just be me though.

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