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Category: Life

Fashion Fail

        If you have been reading any of my blogs (which i would guess you haven't), i have recently reflected upon my goals for my Branding class for this quarter which ends on the 25th of this month in my Governor's school for the Arts. As a short idea if you haven't read my previous blog upon " Branding with perhaps the future" my plan for my brand was to be like a goodwill, sorta, as in, i thrift'd clothes, hand washed them, and sold them, like goodwill once again, following the quote "reuse, reduce, restyle". When we had our two sales, one at a really dead mall nearby and one in the school building, i honestly was disappointed that more people were going for my pins or Monster High as rats posters, and out of the 12 clothes i bought, hand washed in freezing water, and tagged, i only sold 2, and i know that's not much and its somewhat disappointing but boy, i was so so happy when i sold those clothing's, i felt so, i'm not sure, mature? when packing the bag and folding the item from off the rack that i had to borrow from another student. note to self my first job, or maybe college job HAS to be at a store, preferably a clothing store, its so much fun in my opinion!

      Off of Branding at my school for short as GSA, there was a fashion show that was announced back at the end of December before winter break which had the theme of "point of view', personally when i sketched my idea, it was a disco ball look but i'm not good at sowing and i didn't feel like working on the piece because i wasn't loving the theme for this years show. anyways, last week my friend Jordan asked for someone to be her model for the fashion show and i offered up as i didn't mind being in the fashion show, except that i'm not photogenic, but i was up for it. leading up to the first day of turning in the dresses for dress rehearsal which was on Tuesday, March 19, Jordan didn't bring the outfit she made since she worked on it last second and was working on adjustments to be fit to my size, and within the news, our teacher wasn't happy, so Jordan and i both agreed  to just drop out of the show as there was no point if the teacher was just blaming Jordan for staying up late to readjust the outfit. even though it would of been nice to be on the run way, i'm not totally upset as i tell myself ill just do it next year, and if the theme is better and i'm up for it ill make my own wearable art piece. 

       Now for finally, because i'm no longer attending dress rehearsals this week and classes are just opened studio, aka you can come in if you want to finish up any work/art, which i don't need to, so today, tomorrow and Friday i've just been not coming to GSA, now though i still have my classes at my regular school (quickly in explaining, i go to a regular public school and by 12:20pm i leave my class to go to GSA which is at a different location, its a different school and i stay till 4:00pm) so as school ends at 2:00 but my last class ends at 12:35 and i don't drive or anything, i just chill around in the library, but because the library is closed this week for SOL i went to my friend psychology class room and chilled there, doing the work the teacher passed out even if that wasn't my actual class, just the teacher is chill like that. Today my boyfriends mom said i could come over as she drove us home since my boyfriends bus driver doesn't like me, but that's a different story. but anyways it was great because we just jumped on his trampoline for a whole 4 hours till i go home, and man, that entire time being with him i just kept thinking 'how did i get so lucky to have a guy like him', i know its been 5 months but i'm still stunned by the fact that he's actually mine. hopefully tomorrow and Friday i can hang out at his house again, we'll see!

March 20, 2024


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