Warning - I'm talking about very difficult content, but it seems like nobody care about it much.
Everyone knows that Japan is considered an unusual country because of the age of consent in the country (as far as I know, the age of consent has changed to 16, correct me if I'm wrong) but this one comes to anime, it's not considered something "strange" because it's a cartoon - and that's the problem. A few months ago I came across a post on Reddit of anime figures and it said 18+, not something that surprises me because these groups are full of such posts, I even think that the great majority of the posts are 18+ figures, but the characters were not 18 years old, they looked 8 years old -10, and right when I opened it I closed it because it was disgusting, but it didn't bother anyone that it was children.
Now, I know it's that person's money, why am I even meddling with it, not my money not my problem, but when I wrote my honest opinion, people started going out on me, I understand why, "why are you meddling it's their money", "what Do you care what they do" and I thought to myself why do they support this at all, it's children, nak3d, that's what they like? Do they think it's okay?! And I deleted my comment, and I sat down and talked to one of my friends about it.
I will tell you my honest opinion whether you agree with me or not- People who buy these things even if it's not "real" know very well what they're doing, no matter what their age, and I'm pretty sure that 10 year olds don't need such figures, those people enjoy these things in one way or another, and there's no innocent way to justify the purchase of a figure of nak3d children. When you buy these things, you give the big companies the legitimacy to do more and more things like this, but no one cares about it, and again I'll say something from my point of view, most of the people who buy them are relatively older people who actually sit in these apps because no one will say anything Bad thing about it.
I always hear the excuse of "but she's 3,000 years old" which is the dumbest excuse I've ever heard. If you buy these things, you know what you're doing. The character looks like a kid, and you continue to support it. I hope the right people read my post, and if you're mad at me in any way-you probably know it's true. It can be not only on figures, also posters, key chains, and any merch
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i'd assume because age of consent in japan was 13 for a very long time, a lot of anime is made by men, beauty standards as well i think? (this isn't just a japan thing) i know there was a trend over there where people would screw up their teeth to make themselves seem more "childlike". just a lot of old cultural stuff that hasn't been changed yet. and the western fans that like the stuff are kinda uh, social outcasts i guess? really cringe and embarrassing stuff