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Category: Games

entry one;roblox groups: fuck enomoto ikka

ro-mob explaination - sums up what ro mob up, ro mob stands for "roblox mobster"

video about enomoto ikka - basically why i hate enomoto ikka

any japanese name - enomoto ikka person

yubitsume - punishment used in the yakuza

omg, where do i start, enomoto ikka needs to chill for once, shinzo watanabe needs to stop making jokes about black people even though he is black, it gets out of hand to the point i dont even know if its a joke or direct threat, also shinzo seems to love to go against women, when setsuna yokohama was exiled because she wanted to switch subclans for whatever reason shinzo said something like "she's a women, we had nothing to lose" or wtv, (yes a screenshot of that has been going around for a while now). where do i start with emiko, dating bunta (edating which goes against their rules), addicted to saying slurs, those leg pics, and so much more, that woman cannot chill for one second for fucks sake, does she not realize whats shes doing/saying at all, also on the slight topic of edating, apparently yuki yamamoto was edating someone as well and i wouldnt be surprised how many other hrs are. also the comments on that one autistic dude, i forgot his name and i probably should've recorded all the shit i heard, but ive heard some of the worst things ever said behind his back. also enomoto breaks their own policies, ive seen many people talk in dojo and shinjuku, which theyre not allowed to unless the server is empty, also they random innocent people which theyre also not allowed to do, and they will kill people for the most random reasons, and ive heard that someone has been targeted over a mlp shirt. also enomoto is weird ass incels, saying theyre masturbaiting to loli, sending gifs of naked people, making the weirdest sex jokes, and the weirdest incel jokes. also they have no respect over their member, they say to be kind and act like "we're a family 🤗🥰💕" but no, these mfs will just insult eachother 24/7 and ignore the most simple boundaries, also the yubitsumes are so random, simple accidents will equal a yubitsume. i have been out of that cult for a while and please, never join. i know how chronically online this sounds but i need my rant to be heard so people know how weird enomoto is

2 Kudos


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