The Wave System ! πŸ‰'s profile picture

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Category: Life



β€’ Please use tone indicators with us !

β€’ Please use the pronouns in our pronouns blog. You may use any, but if an alter asks you to use specific pronouns, please use them. We will link this blog to you upon asking.

β€’ We support neo, xeno, and noun pronouns, but we do ask that you use a full format. We use that in our pronouns blog.

β€’ You may vent to us in IMs, just please do ask first. We do not know what to say to comfort people, but we will listen.

β€’ Please include trigger warnings. Especially for gore ( [SV/NSV] Gore mentions, gore imaged, etc.), NSFW ( [SV/NSV] NSFW mentions, NSFW imaged, etc.), flashing lights ( [SV/NSV] FW), Etc.

β€’ We are dyslexic. Please make things easy to read for us. Most things will be, but if you have long paragraphs please break them up into sections and change the font to be a gray color. Or, instead of changing the font to gray, break it up with a spot in between like we did here.

β€’ We like colors. A lot, although it doesn't seem like it with all the black text..

β€’ We can read typing quirks that use numbers and such, but not if it uses symbols.

β€’ We have a typing quirk. It usually goes like so:

- Word !!

- Word 2 ??

- Word 3.

- Word 4 < 3

β€’ But it can also go like this:

- Word. !!

- Word 2. ??

- Word 3.

- Word 4. < 3

β€’ We cuss a lot on our main account linked here, But we will rarely cuss here.

β€’ We are usually only online during our school hours. ~7:30AM to 3:48PM LA time.

Our diagnosises:

β€’ OCD

β€’ PDD (AKA. Persistent Depressive Disorder)

β€’ Pots

β€’ Iron deficiency


β€’ Auditory hypersensitivity (AKA. We are sensitive to loud noises)

β€’ Anemia (Thin blood, also low iron.)

β€’ Autism

β€’ DID

2 Kudos


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