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Category: Life

Does anyone have any tips on how to deal with insomnia :<

I have severe insomnia and recently its gotten really bad (its mostly affected by stress and ive had alot of stress recently) does anyone have any tips on what could help me sleep because not sleeping has been making my anxiety and other things worse :[[  and its affecting alot of my social life aswell as my relationship with my boyfriend cuz hes been staying up with me  -.- 

(FYI: im unable to take melatonin because i still live with my parents despite me being 18 and my dad is strongly against melatonin so i have to wait till I move out to take some :<<)

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virtualdeluxe1999's profile picture

i can relate a bit, it sounds pretty intense and troubling for u :[!
my suggestions based on having some sleep trouble in the past (though not as bad as what youre describing):
-find something to listen to that is familiar but not too boring, like a favorite episode of a tv show or web series? i like to listen to videos ive seen already so that im not bored but also not paying too much attention to sleep. also dont stare at the screen bc the light can keep you up, just listen to it lol.
-some teas can calm the brain and help with good sleep, but many teas also have caffiene in them so look for a herbal tea if you want to try that. i like chamomile for sleeping
-a change of how you sleep might help, either laying on a different position, or something weird i used to do to sleep easier was put my pillow at the opposite end of the bed and sleep that way instead, idk why but it felt comfortably different. it could also be that laying awake in bed makes your brain remember this place as "un-restful" or something? i remember a doctor saying that to me once but i don't remember the details... it could be worth trying

im sorry to hear u r struggling with stress so much, i hope it gets better soon my friend!

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Arda.x's profile picture

pull an allnighter twice and just collapse in front of your parents.
Just kidding dont do that shit go seek professional help

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I have been to professionals about it but because of my parents and some past trauma im unable (and to uncomfortable) to be on any meds :P so most the stuff I usually do to help myself are usually some sort of "home remedies"

by ScxmPuP; ; Report