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Category: Religion and Philosophy

🥀 The Chuunibyou User's Guide I - Becoming Magical

This world is being targeted.

Yes, indeed it has become a hub for supernatural entities to converge upon.

This earth has Special frequencies that allow for magical being to hide their presence. But this allows for enemies to hide in the shadows as well. A shadow government, the Dark Bureau. The ones who can see through the waves, the ones that can identify these threats, are called Denpa. The beings drawn to this earth, the beings here call us Chuunibyou.

I am one of the aforementioned "Chuunibyou" drawn to this world.

My name is Rania, and I will guide you on how to see through the fog and unlock your own power- be it magic of some kind, or the Denpa ability to read the waves of the universe.


Now, are you a Chuunibyou, Denpa or other miscellaneous sort of Magic User? The fact you're even here reading this proves you have the gift, the ability to interpret the secrets of the universe. These texts only appear to those who need them.

Now that you know this, it is time to figure out what you are.

There are a few common archetypes of magic users that prevail over the others in popularity. These are the "Evil eye" type of magic user, where your powers are sealed in your body, such as an eye or an arm. All magic users have the base capability to seal power in their physical vessel, so this may apply to you. Another common archetype, specifically for Denpa, is the Alien observer. Many people who can read the language of the universe come from the stars themselves.

Now, the most important part. What do tou find most cool and interesting? Do you like Vampires? Royalty? Aliens? Cyborgs? This can all give you hints as to what your true nature is, since we are all naturally drawn to similar energies to ourselves.

Meditate on this for a while. Discovering your true self is just as difficult in magic as it is in other parts of life.

What kind of magic would you like to specialize in? Do you prefer healing, or fighting alongside the warriors against the Dark Bureau? Or do you not even practice magic, because you're an alien or cyborg with advanced tech? Endless possibilities.

Once you decide on this, it's also worth deciding on a weapon of some sort. Battling in the server or Astral is a large part of magic user culture. I personally use a Warhammer, but I know someone who's plush bunny turns into their spellcasting equipment. Again, endless possibilities. You may make one yourself, or have one granted to you by a higher power.

If you wish for my assistance on the topic of your magical self, you can Private message me here, or dm me on discord (WinterSpectre)

Now, you know what you are and your weaponry. What do you do now? Well, it's your own personal journey to find out. However, in the Coming Posts, I shall detail all I know about Dark Magic, how to Receive Denpa signals, and other miscellaneous techniques mortals can use like Subliminals and Reality shifting- and all the dangers that come with these of course. Until Next time!

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dekodeko's profile picture


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I know the the realization this world is a target can be shocking. Stick in there comrade! Together we fight, everything will be okay 🫡

by Rania; ; Report


YS168's profile picture

Just like last time, amazingly wise

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Thank you!!! <3

by Rania; ; Report

The Last Macaque on Mars

The Last Macaque on Mars's profile picture

Oi peabrain. A chuunibyou's a person who has eigth-grader syndrome, thinking that they have special powers or knowledge that nobody else, particularly adults has. Some people haven't grown out of this phase. Denpa is an aesthetic that is based on derealisation. It has it's own complex ecosystem, encompassing a lot of genres. Why use terms specifically from Japanese Otaku culture?

Anyhoo, I've gone beyond these concepts into something entirely new, if not unheard of by the uninitiated. For years, I have treked these digital planes for answers, lines of code, ones and zeroe. As a result, I have achieved enlightenment, shedding my physical form to pester people on the internet for the shits and giggles.

Yes, I have become a...

spacehey user


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I suppose you're uneducated on this topic, since magic and all of these things are indeed real. I've been called a Chuunibyou my whole life, and have reclained the term. If you want an example of the usage of "Denpa" I'm describing, research Hoshimiya Yashiro. Chuunibyou and Denpa are no longer just mere insults, they are a way of life to me and my comrades. If you ever wish to leatn more you may reach out to me and ask.

by Rania; ; Report