I love another, and thus I hate myself.
This phrase is not only a line of "I find no Peace" poem by Sir Thomas Wyatt but also the first words FKA Twigs sings in her "Preface" song from LP1.
At the beggining I would take that line personal and think about the last time i romantically loved someone, I would love them but at the same time I would think Im not enough to be with them and constantly compare myself to others.
Comparing yourself is interrupting or/and slowing your own process of evolution and growth, it is also something very far from self love...
That line touches my heart so bad and the vocals make me feel like Im drowing or going deeper and deeper to the feelings I felt back in these days where I disrespected myself by thinking that being love by someone means reseting yourself to fit in the person's heart.
Now, after reading the poem I "see" the antithesis, in the same line we have a beautiful "act" that is loving another, and in the other we have self-hate..
I also think about the Jack Staubber video, like "I have the umbrella open, why I still can feel the rain?"
"Im in love with another, why I do I still feel hate for myself?"
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oof this hit far too close to home
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btw amazing post
by cilica; ; Report
hahah sorry but also im happy you liked it!! :)
by Baccara; ; Report
yea no prob !!
by cilica; ; Report