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Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes


Lately, i realised that whenever i go outside, all i see are weak mortals surrounding me and its disgusting. We need to bring back the strong beefy hunky chuncky men from the 60s that actually had a backbone and lived that alpha lifestyle. Ahh the sweet days of racism , sexism and domestic abuse.  what happened to the strong men of those days??

I did also realised that a lot of you weak futile chumps adore sigmas like me, and want to become one so i put together a small, easy and foolproof step by step guide from how to go from  mere weak beta mortal boys to immortal seggsy alpha males like me.

How do you know that this guide works? well, Andrew Tate was actually my first ever student and look who he is now. i usually dont like to take the credit, but i still remember when he fisrt seeked me out for advise, he was just a scrawny insignificant discord mod who liked pink but look at the beast he is now. so dont question me when i say, i AM the alpha of the pack AWOOOOO!!!!

without further ado, heres the guide, DONT take it for granted . AWOOOO !!

How to enter your Beast mode Sigma Era: The guide

  1. Never EVER see your family: what are you, a poosay? As a sigma, you should never have time for your family. You should only ever be seen in 2 places: the man cave, and the gym AWOOO!
  2. ALWAYS abuse women: As an alpha, you need to establish your dominance by constantly disrespecting and abusing women (bonus points if its your mother) you can do this by spitting on women often and beating them regularly. at first they might seem offended by this, but soon theyll get over it and learn to respect your dominance.. and plus youre the ALPHA of the pack, what do you care what a few flimsy women think? BONUS TIP: ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS be controlling of women, even if you dont know them. you can do this by commenting on female strangers' posts things like: " Id never let my female leave the house dressed like that" or "stay in the kitchen WOMAN! a females' priorites should only be on her family" This is sure, to make them swoon!!
  3. Never adress a FEMALE by it's name: Never show a morcel of respect to "women" they should only be known as FEMALES. this ensures that they are kept in their place when their around you. (do it to your mother too this is sure to make her proud!)
  4. Ensure that you have a PODCAST  with your other alpha buddies: This will be a place where you share unwanted opinions on subjects like feminism, LGBTQ matters, racism and generally anthing youre unqualified to speak about! NEVER  forget, to use your podcast  as a space to bully anyone with a slightly different opinion To you. this is important to maintain your respect, even online!
  5. ONLY EAT RAW MEATS: Never EVER cook! are you a man or what? a real sigma gets females to do that for them, and if you are not currently in possession of one then just eat raw beef all day.  this will help you build muscle at the gym as its the best form of proteins. sickness? dont worry about that. real alphas eat raw meat just fine, its the way mother nature (or rather FEMALE nature) intended things to be!
  6. EMOTIONS ARE GAY >:(!!!!: This is prolly the MOST IMPORTNAT one. REAL MEN DONT FEEL THINGS. pain? just go to the gym, thatll fix ya! sigmas dont have time to sit around and experience emotion all day! Real aplhas should be spending 99.9% of their time, going to the gym to admire other sweaty muscular beefy men and trying to impress them by flexing ur muscles everywhere cuz that is definitely not gay. GRR AWOOO AWOOO AWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!
Thats all i can be bothered to share for today, my little alphas in training. if you guys want more of my 100% effective tips tell me and ill share them at some point. AWOOO!

Bye <3!! #Girlhood #preppy #AndrewTateIsSoCoquette!💖





Also in case u couldnt tell, all of this is a joke. i dont believe in any of this and neither should u! theres no requiremnt to being a man, as long as youre kind to others, ur perfect the way u are. toxic masculinity is a real issue and i made this to showcase the absurdity of it and how ridiculous it is . and also cuz im bored.

4 Kudos


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✮⋆˙ Greyson/Bowie ✮⋆˙

✮⋆˙ Greyson/Bowie ✮⋆˙'s profile picture

I will gladly be using this guide and i will share it with the others in the pack

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AWWWWWOOOOOOOOOO!!!!🖤🥀 Yes my brother!!! i wish you great success on your journey to becomming a better sigma !

by xXAntsXx; ; Report


⭐️VickyAlienBoy⭐️'s profile picture

SO SIGMA 🐈💪💪💪 lmaooo

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by xXAntsXx; ; Report