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Category: Blogging

3/17/24 - last night

I miss my boyfriend so much, he's such a sweet heart. Yesterday he bought me a snickers and a vape and he is just so sweet, we cuddled all day even when two of my friends came over, he makes me feel so comfortable and I've genuinely never felt like this towards someone. He's such a great person it's actually insane to me how in love we are and how far we're willing to take this, I've never had someone that I genuinely felt wanted me with them by their side for the rest of their life and I've never felt that towards anyone until I met him. He makes me feel loved in ways I didn't think were possible and not a single part of me feels unloved. He's been here for my best and worst days and has made every single day better and feel worth it. I can't wait to marry him, he's not only my boyfriend but also my best friend and I couldn't ask for anything else in the world but for him to stay with me and for me to stay with him.

2 Kudos


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Damianos's profile picture

thats nice actually! i guess you found your life saver which its your boyfriend (or best friend (i guess both))

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I really did and I'm so thankful for him, everyone deserves this kind of love!

by Monkeypants; ; Report

that's true honestly!!

by Damianos; ; Report

I took a look at your drawings btw, I love them! You're a great artist!

by Monkeypants; ; Report

thank youuu

by Damianos; ; Report