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Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities

Opinion on horror movie sequels because I'm bored and in need of conflict.


Horror movie sequels can either be great or dog shit, no in between. Take Nightmare on Elm Street 3, that shit was so fire. But then we have fucking Jeepers Creepers 4, seriously, what the fuck even was that. Shit looked terrible. There are 3 things I base my opinions off of (movie wise). Acting, character depth, and plot. These are usually what people base their opinions off of so I don't even know the point of adding that part, but, take Ash Williams for example. We see him be incredibly emotional in the first film during Linda's dismemberment, and then in the next he's a cold dick basket. But TTTTTHHHHEEEEENNNNN we get the tv show, of which is in my opinion, probably the best installment of The Evil Dead. We see him grieve his sister, feel genuine remorse and such, its wonderful. I can't say the same for many other protagonists in horror movies...Sad. Or we see perfectly fine protagonists die for 'shock value'. Like Sally Hardesty. Can someone explain to me why in modern horror movies they make female protagonists have such shallow personalities that just consist of being a dick for no reason? So many characters I've seen that are female in any sort of film in general are assholes and have no other personality trait other then being a sarcastic asshole. I hate it. Give her some personality and vulnerability, please?? Or dive deeper into the meaning of her issues that isn't super common in films? Sorry, I know thats impossible.

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Alan4567's profile picture

Prefiero la verdad las peliculas de terror de antes, muchas de ellas como masacre en texas y halloween de michael mayers eran hechas de forma casera, ese era su encanto. Algo que ahora ya se ha perdido por la ambiciĆ³n de solo generar dinero y no miedo

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ech0gek0's profile picture

i don't care about horror movies but i saw a clip from a chain saw massacre sequel where the killer comes into a bus or something and then all the guys on the bus pull up their phones and say "your so getting cancelled" b4 the killer murders them... what :?

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Yeah, that shit was so bad...They try so hard to mock Gen Z when they're literally 90% of their audience.

by Ophic; ; Report