pretty disappointing because im a huge fan of the original and ive been waiting aaaaages to watch this, but... its just not that good. it has its moments, and its nice to see the original cast again, but it definitely wasnt worth the 16 quid that i paid (note to self, always pirate before purchasing). half of it isnt even set in twin peaks, and (most egregiously) IT DOESNT HAVE THE SOUNDTRACK!
it doesnt have any soundtrack at all, actually. guess they were going for 'brooding' but its coming off more as 'boring'. they havent even mentioned laura once smh.
ive said it before but david lynch has too many people around him who worship him like a genius, and this arrogance spoils even some of his best work.
okay, i mean im only on episode 11 so hopefully it gets better otherwise im marching right up to the black lodge (amazon hq) and demanding a refund (just kidding, theyre not that gracious)
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Is there a new Twin Peaks?
well, i say new. i mean the reboot series that came out in 2017. its new to me cus ive been waiting to watch it for so long. (not worth it tbh)
by muskog; ; Report
Aha, you are talking about the one were he is Dougie. Yeah its a strange one I must admit but I kinda liked it, it does not compare to the first season that's for sure. Also many of the actors that was in the first and second died before David started it, so he had to work around it.
by HatMakerDingus; ; Report
yeah, and a few of them didnt want to return (the guy who played sheriff truman, the guy who played the dwarf)
the saddest one for me was that the actress who played the log lady passed away, she was my favourite character :'¬( she didnt get enough lines in the original OR the reboot imo
by muskog; ; Report
I did not know that the little guy did not want to return and the sheriff.
Would have love to hear more from the log lady she was so interesting, at least they got a little from her before she passed.
by HatMakerDingus; ; Report
true. did you know her character was actually the inspiration for the whole series? it was originally gonna be called 'i shall test my log with every branch of knowledge' and was gonna be her jus talking to various townspeople having her log 'interview' them, but as the idea expanded she became just a minor character. damn shame imo, i would have watched the hell out of that!
by muskog; ; Report
No I did not know that, that would have been a very strange one and interesting. I wonder how that would have played out.
by HatMakerDingus; ; Report