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Category: Life

Journal Entry #100: 03/16/24 - Privacy & Passion

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I'm back in school, obviously. (Also 100th blog post, yippee!)

I didn't really have a rough week, thankfully, but once again the shiny exterior of college is wearing off a little.

As for my week, I usually go to web development club on Monday but once again it did not meet. I have heard nothing from them, so I guess I may need to make my own projects. On Tuesday this organization I'm a part of held elections. Sunday night I was asked if I would be willing to run for senator instead of for VP Membership. I agreed since I didn't formulate a speech or campaign (which is arguably my fault). I got the position and my responsibilities, but I'm not exactly sure what to do with this position. However, this is what transition is for. Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday were just a bunch of working and resting. I've been feeling quite absent-minded lately. I was building a program that involved a function, and it wasn't working. Well, the reason it wasn't working was because I didn't call the function. If you don't call the function, then the program won't do anything. It's just such a silly error. 

On Friday, the next Murder Drones episode was announced, and it debuts on March 29th. I'm super excited, though it releases right before a large English project is due. It's upsetting that episodes seven and eight were supposed to be released closer together, but due to controversies and timelines, it just isn't possible, meaning that this episode is probably going to end on an enormous cliffhanger. The trailer's out now, and people have taken to Reddit to tear it apart and predict what will happen. N clearly is going to go murder mode on someone, Uzi and Doll (may) fight, V is likely still kicking, and Tessa seems quite untrustworthy. I suspect that N will be pushed into murder mode by Tessa, but other than that I don't have many theories. I am digging the red color palette that this episode is going for. It's a nice change of pace from the blue and yellow and notifies the viewer that the stakes are rising. I can't wait!

On the subject of the shiny exterior of college wearing off, I'm having a hard time with privacy. I can't seem to find some peace and quiet. I'm in a traditional dorm, which is what I signed up for, but now it's become a bit of a thorn in my side. I guess I'm just now beginning to realize that I really value my privacy, specifically uninterrupted privacy. Since I live on campus and don't have a car, I'm restricted to where I can go. I'm always at school, there's no place absent from school. The only privacy I really have is the bathroom, which I'm glad to have; however, I should have more than that (bathrooms can be gross, as we all know). There are some quiet corners on campus, but every place I go, there is a chance someone will interrupt my privacy eventually. I only have roughly a month and a half until I move out, so I need to stay strong. After this, I won't have to deal with these issues since I'll live in an apartment and have my own car.

Lastly, we're back on DST! I can now spend more time outside, and days should be getting warmer. The only downside besides the adjustment slump is that it's dark at 6am again. This will slowly go away, but I like rising with the sun sometimes. Better days are ahead, hopefully. 


AstraGenesis  ┈━═☆

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