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Category: Writing and Poetry


Oh, love.

Such a profound feeling, one of those that makes us human. An emotion so important that some can't live without it. I admit that one of those people is me. I define myself as a romantic person. One of those who has always admired love. The genuine one, not forced. What those who see it, envy it.

Yet there are those who still believe that love does not exist, that it only belongs in fairy tales, the only stories with a happy ending. I find that those who think that way don't understand that love is not confined to the romantic one.

There are many variations of it. The parental one, the friendly one, and so on.

Despite this, I am aware that over the years love has dissipated. It has transformed into something superficial, obvious, objective. Without a value. It's normal that there are people who firmly believe that love does not exist, if there are millions and millions of others who prove it. Over the years, I have come to the conclusion that yes, love exists, in many forms, but it is now rare to find.

As I already said, I consider myself a romantic girl. Who loves love. Attracted by its feeling. I always dream of finding a guy who genuinely loves me, going beyond physical appearance.

However, I am very aware that these are just dreams. That finding a guy like that will take more than daydreaming and distant gazing.

If, like me, you are doubtful that you will ever find that special someone, always remember that out of 8 billion, 73 million, 859 thousand and 407 people, excluding yourself, at least one person is there waiting for you.

It could be someone you know, or someone you don't. They could live next door, or on the other side of the world. The fact is, don't give up. Don't close yourself in simply because you have lost hope.

And, in any case, the love that is worth the most is the one you have for yourself. If what you are looking for is happiness, don't immediately head towards external love. How could you ever accept someone's love if you don't even love yourself?

I hope I haven't bored you. English isn't my first language (nor my second, if I'm being honest)

Stay safe and love yourself!

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