creepy and disturbing youtube channels i’ve found (WIP)

consider this a bit of a dictionary or whatever of disturbing and creepy youtube channels for all of my fellow disturbing media enthusiasts out there! this is a work in progress, so i’ll be adding more channels every so often. feel free to add suggestions in the comments! you can also discuss the channels in the comments if you'd like. anyway, i'm making an effort to try and include more somewhat obscure, less talked about channels instead of more familiar ones like cyriak.


1. Red Bird (channel link: red bird)

i found this channel through a fairly new member of the horror youtube community, Jahlijah, who made a video covering it (if you click on the "Jahlijah" link, you'll be sent to the video). there's a lot of strange videos on the channel that don't really make much sense, such as this one, with very bizarre titles such as "YOUKNOWIDONTKNOW". there's also a really disturbing video that seems to depict some kind of... i don't know, kidnapping or whatever? very eerie. anyway, there is a proposed theory that this channel could have something to do with this russian athlete (think she was an ice skater or dancer or something) named anna who went missing, but it turns out she is alive and well. i think i've also seen a theory that this channel is some kind of arg. the channel hasn't posted in 3 years so we may never know. plus, there doesn't seem to be anything "interactive" that would make it an arg. could just be unfiction, or maybe it is something genuinely real. 

2. 01A51CD0 (channel link: 01A51CD0) SOUND WARNING

i don't know what the fuck this is supposed to be, i'll be honest. like. there's just videos with strange titles, that are actually real words such as "sign" that are upside down. some videos contain random clips (this one containing clips from an old movie i believe) with ear-grating audio. this video doesn't have any strange audio but features whoever is behind the camera recording themselves at night in some forest or something. now, this one is really unsettling. there are these messages in the video, and be warned that it appears there's a dead, decomposing animal in it. at the end, there's a jumpscare with some individuals with animal faces. this channel is really fucking weird. you might need to turn your volume down at some points for this channel.

3. NOZ!NOZ! E!!! (channel link: NOZ!NOZ! E!!!) SOUND AND FLASH WARNING

bit more of an artistic type of channel, but still very disturbing nonetheless. it's oddly beautiful in a way, but extremely unnerving. i'd say this channel also needs a bit of a volume warning. there's this one video that stuck out to me, called Expressionless bicycle rider OK! that freaked me out in particular. there's a message that pops up that says "expressionless bicycle riders ok?" before you see this sorta creepy painting with equally creepy audio playing over it. there's more weird and creepy art pieces that show up. there's also a very freaky stop-motion scene involving a doll and you're gonna need a flash warning for that scene. if you're into disturbing and surreal/experimental art, you might like this channel. i actually subscribed to it.

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Gahbi's profile picture

should i upload those channels to internet web archive? i feel like this kind of media can be easily lost and it would be so sad to lost it, it's so cool

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yeah! good idea

by perfectfourth; ; Report