Reizukar 's profile picture

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Category: Friends

DNI, BYI, Other Little blerbs


  • Basic List - Sexism, Homophobia, Pedophilia, stuff like that
  • I don't know why I started with this format - But I guess I'll keep it up
  • TCC - Apparently people are like idolizing murderers and wow um I'm not the person for that
  • Anti-Furry/Xeno/Neo - I don't really like shitting on people's identities even if I haven't been taught what they mean or how to respect them yet
  • Besides that - I wouldn't worry too much about it, though I will update this if I feel the need to

Just an Itty Bitty heads up

Do we mind if I keep writing in this blue? I actually kinda like it :3c

    I mostly likely am some flavor of neurodivergent (I'm not sure my parent won't lemme get checked) and it could be one of the reason's I'm bad at picking up clues and gists. If I do or say something, please let me know directly and immediately so I can fix it and apologize.

    I can be little insecure about my relationships with people (whether I'm their friend or their partner) so I might automatically assume I've done something wrong if something catches my attention. If asking for reassurances is an issue for you then I'm not sure we'd work well.

    I ask a lot of questions about things I don't understand or haven't heard of before. If you'd rather not explain it that's understandable, but if you did you'd be doing an nb a huge favor.

    Like I said in the "About Me" (unless I delete it later because I think it got redundant) I will be checking here at a decent frequency, but if you wanna talk with me about something fast (or just wanna talk till one of us falls asleep that's cool too) discord is your guy(...? girl...? nonbinary technological individual... yeah that's what I'll go with) I'm probably much more easy to talk to over there. Though I can't vc unfortunately (anxiety and those pesky parents again), I make up for it with response times that are way too quick.

  If there's something I like or enjoy that has an awful creator or has something bad in it, please don't throw me in the gutter over it. If you ask first I might just have been that I didn't know and I can change it ASAP.

  Though I am polyam and Pan (More leaning to the Guys and Masc nb's) I am not taken, but I could also accidentally say something affectionate and not know. If that happens same rules as above so I either can not do it, or know its okay to use the term.

A new color for the end because I'm not sure why but it looks nice

  I meant for this to actually be itty bitty but whoopsies. Writing a thing about yourself at 2am will do that. I'm not sure I'll update this unless I really feel the need to, but If you have a question feel free to ask either here or (Take a guess where else (If you said "Discord" you win an extra slice of cheesecake)) my Discord. 

So um thanks for reading this whole thing if you did, I really appreciate it. :3

For doing so you get to know that I have a Narwhal plus named Quinnchester

I hope that was a cool enough reward.

3 Kudos


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