MAQUINE's profile picture

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Category: Art and Photography


This is my Battle Vest!

The back patch is like a symbol I made; I thought it looked cool. Some people said it kind of looked like Death from Soul Eater, which is a coincidence. They have way more teeth and angry eyes! The patches on the back are bands I saw in person, and on the front are just some random bands I liked.I'm thinking about moving the front patches to my jumpsuit instead, but I need to paint more patches on bands I saw locally rather than bands that are just popular. A lot of the bands I saw locally I responded to emotionally, which is never going to be the same as just streaming them on my phone or something.What kind of hardware should I add next? chains, nails, drywall screws,  and everything is on the table!

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Arda.x's profile picture

I like how they are all hand made
Def needs more patches on the front!

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gonna replace the front ones with more local bands I love but yeah gonna have way more now!

by MAQUINE; ; Report