
im in the living room of my house, but there is no furniture and its all echoey. im there with some friends from highschool. were laughing about how quiet it is, one of my friends starts singing in a stupid opera voice to make us all laugh.
then we hear something from outside. i look out the window, and i see a doll walking up my drive (like, one of those wind-up dolls)
somehow it actually manages to climb up the stairs to my door.
i presume some kids must be playing outside and lost it, so i go outside and pick it up (it becomes much smaller somehow, dreamlogic)
i see my neighbour working in his garden, so i go up to him and ask 'hey, do you know who this belongs to?' he says no, so i ask if hes seen any kids playing. he says, yeah, over there, so i cross the road to where he pointed.
two of my other neighbours are chatting there over the fence.
when they see me, one of them says 'oh hey (name)! how are you!' in an overly familiar way, which is weird because i dont think ive ever really spoken to her before.
i say 'do any of you recognise this dolly? i found it on my drive and i dont want any kid to think its gone missing'.
the guy smiles and says 'yes, of course i do. i bought it for you ten years ago'
i say 'uh, what?' and he says 'look, it even has (name)s handwriting on it'
i look at it, and it doesnt have my handwriting on, and that was a weird way of phrasing it.
i take out my phone and look, and it says something about the doll coming from a 'nomadic moroccan-hiberian culture'
i try and ask what the guy meant, but then the alarm on my phone goes off. i turn it off and keep chatting, then a few minutes later it goes off again. then again, and again. faster each time, literally like 5 secs after i turn it off.
then my alarm goes off for real, and i wake up.

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