Arda.x's profile picture

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Category: Art and Photography

Small talk and art dump.

Hello internet,

Until december i thought i had no luck in drawing, cause it sucked.

One day, after rewatching jojo I decided to why not draw smth. Well it seems that I wasn't completly talentless and useless, I just didn't tried hard enough.

Keep in mind that I'm still fairly new.

Here's the first drawing i made

Yeah I kinda have perspective issues. This took me around 2 hours to finish. I used a panel for reference.

After that first drawing and some positive comments i drew this the same day although I used a fan art for reference.

A day later I tried to draw my fav character. I was going pretty good until the hand. This drawing is the reason why I hate to draw hands.

Took me around 3 days and I used a panel for reference.

After that I tried to draw one more character, a human, failed miserably at drawing the eyes and basically stopped drawing until today.

A pretty basic postal dude drawing. I used another persons fan art for reference. It still seems i have issues with sizing and perspective but I'll get better with time

I was very bored during my math class, calculus, I tried to draw adhd cat from memory and failed pretty badly. After looking it again I saw a horrifying creature instead of adhd cat and decided to support that vision.

Please ignoee the nerd emoji, I drawed it causd I wear glasses in maths cause I cant see the board properly. Don't get it wrong i love my glasses and it fits my face well but I still resemble a nerd.

Thats it for today idk when will i draw next

15 Kudos


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Hawn's profile picture

I think you have a pretty nice base to start from actually. I'm pretty sure that you'll get better the more you draw, and maybe in the future you'll look back at these drawings fondly. :)

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Jeffthekiller's profile picture

gyatt i love ur art

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XxLie_AbilityxX's profile picture

ur art is rlly good omg!! honestly if u keep practicing i think you could get to a level where you dont even need to rely too heavily on references (not that refs are bad tho lawl, quite the opposite!). consistency is key!

side note but an art journey sort of blog seems fun! i might make smthn like that too XD

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well yeah i can't commit to something cause I'll get bored easily and find smth else to do.
That's whatt happend last time. Trying to match 2 eyes was too hard for me and cause i tried so much all the drawings of bad eyes left as a mark on the paper

by Arda.x; ; Report

lol i hear it! art takes a lot of patience, esp in the beginning. for eyes, if im struggling sometimes ill copy and paste the one eye i drew then flip it and adjust if needed. but that only works with digital art DX

by XxLie_AbilityxX; ; Report

Goose of the Opera House

Goose of the Opera House's profile picture


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Thank youuu

by Arda.x; ; Report

ofc! it looks so cool :3

by Goose of the Opera House; ; Report