1.chapter - what is DID?

Welcome to the episodes called 'Stephan explains'! Today I will be talking about what is exactly DID.

Dissociative identity disorder, in past known well as multiple personality disorder and in short DID, is mental health condition, when a person with it has dissociation with different personalities. Dissociation in this case ISN'T just daily forgetting, but memory loss. Other DID symptoms are not knowing identity, time or consciousness.

DID develops due to traumas in childhoood. A lot of people think that DID must develop only in severe situations, but it's not true. The psyche of the child is much more different than of the adult and because of it simple divorce of parents, abuse, illness one of the parent (either physical or mental) and much more can a lot affect a child.

On this world isn't only DID, but as well OSDD, which has two categories - OSDD-1a and OSDD-1b. Differences between them are that OSDD-1a doesn't have completely formed personalities, but has amnesia and OSDD-1b does have completely formed personalities, but doesn't have amnesia. OSDD as well develops in childhood due to traumas as DID and has same functions as DID, when it comes to personalities and much more.

So that's it! If you have questions, free to ask. Remember we're not professionals, we just want to spread awareness about DIDOSDD, so singlets can know what is it and what to do and someone could find out they're a system. :)

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